Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1206 🐦

in Feathered Friends2 years ago


🦉 The common chaffinch or simply the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

📚 Fringilla (lat.) - finch; fi nco (Old German), fi nc (Old English)
📚 coelebs coelebs (lat.) - single, idle, unmarried


The voices of these delightful singers fill the forests and groves every spring. But after the mating season, in the summer, their voices, or rather songs, are no longer heard. The birds are busy feeding their offspring.


In these photos, a female with a fledgling. At that time, the poplars were blooming and there was a lot of fluff everywhere, as you can see in the photo.
The young fledgling was on the ground, more precisely on the path, he sat quietly and waited for his mother with food. The female fussed around collecting insects. Sometimes she ate some small seeds from the ground, so she ate herself and showed the fledglings how to get their own food.




Beautiful bird in colors, nice photography.

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