Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1228 🐦

in Feathered Friends2 years ago


🦉 The Siberian stonechat or Asian stonechat (Saxicola maurus)

📚 Saxicola (lat ): saxum rock, stone, -cola inhabitant
📚 maurus (lat.): Moorish, black


There is a river on the outskirts of the city, and there are small meadows beyond the river. It used to be a heliport, but now only a couple of concrete blocks remain. This is what I mean, here is an area where there are no tall trees, but only tall grass, small lakes and bushes.
These birds love to live in such places. In principle, even a small lawn is enough for them. The main thing is that the area is open and there is tall grass. On such tall grasses, these birds love to sit and observe their surroundings.

This male first watched me for a long time as I walk past him. But then he went about his business and caught lunch. He did not eat this insect, but took it somewhere deep in the bushes, either to the female on the nest, or to the nestlings.




What a beautiful bird with food in its beak, that is really a great photography by you.

The stonechat is one of the most beautiful birds I think. Their brown is so majestetic.

Молодец очиток, поймал большую бабочку, всем на обед хватит. Отличные фото