Wildlife : Birdwatching - 876 🐦

in Feathered Friends4 years ago


🔶The western yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)

In the first half of May, when the real spring comes and the snow no longer falls, these birds arrive. They are close relatives of the white wagtail, but unlike her, they do not live in cities, and do not tolerate cold weather.
And as soon as the green grass has already appeared, these birds begin to arrange a nest. They place their nests right on the ground, in a small hole, it is imperative that there are bushes around, dense vegetation in the form of tall grass, so that all this helps to hide the nest from predators.


The bird feeds on insects, and it catches these insects right on the ground, in contrast to the same white wagtail, which also catches them in the air.


This is the place where I go to observe these birds. As you can see, this open space is overgrown with tall grass and all kinds of thickets, and there is not a single tall tree.


The birds are not shy and you can approach them at a close distance, they sit on the tops of the thickets and watch for possible danger.



These birds are beautiful! Isn't amazing how these birds can be so captivating? In my place, I think it wouldn't be a surprise if they would want to capture these and keep as a pet. I hope it's not like that in your place.

Очень интересная жёлтая трясогузка. У нас я таких не видел. Супер.

Wonderful photos of this beauty. Thanks for the habitat info.