Wildlife : Birdwatching - 955 🐦

in Feathered Friends3 years ago


🦉 The common chaffinch or simply the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
📚 fringilla (lat.) - finch; fi nco (Old German), fi nc (Old English) | caelebs, coelebs (lat.) - single, idle, unmarried


It is pleasant to see these birds for the first time in a year after a long winter. While they fly from places where they have waited out the cold winter, they are still rather modest and shy. But after a few days, they become brave, sing songs to the whole forest, start fights between themselves and other birds.These photos show the very first finch of the year. He just arrived.
These birds hibernate in the south of the country or in warm countries of Europe. But if the winter is warm, then it can easily stay overwintering. But this certainly does not apply to cold siberia.




Так внимательно смотрит. Наверное увидел, что его фотографируют.