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RE: Show Me A Photo (SMAP) Contest Round 129 - The Red Maya Of The Philippines

You captured nice shots of the birds with your phone camera. The Red Maya is a pretty little bird. Lovely shots of the last bird with out spread wings.
Good luck in the contest @gems.and.cookies.


Thank you @redheadpei for the very nice comments. Yes, the Red Maya is one colorful and pretty bird and would you believe there are still quarters here in the country who are seeking the reinstatement of the red maya as the national bird? Their main contention is it represents more adequately the Filipino people being resilient and low flying as Filipinos, majority of who are poor, are survivors and more down to earth than the high flying eagle.

Anyway, the bird with the out spread wings is one of our neighborhood crows and I have been, upto now, enamored by them and take as many photos but erase because most of them because they are really not good 😔

I wasn’t t sure if the bird was a crow or a raven. Beautiful art of the eagle by your talented daughter. Your eagle looks different than the eagles here.

Here’s a photo of one I took a couple years ago. They look more majestic when in flight.

Wow! Was this photo taken around the area where you live? Looks like the American Bald Eagle. Yes, they look quite different from the Philippine Eagle. While yours is bald, or at least called bald, ours look like some punk kid with a mohawk haircut 😂