Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 167 / Swans

in Feathered Friends29 days ago (edited)

Hello everyone.
Long time since last post in #SMaP.
Free theme sometimes makes it easier but when there is specific theme it makes you go out and look for birds and it can be adventurous.
These photos are from my last visit to Spring of river Bosna. Sometimes toward end of the December last year.

It is first time seeing swans in this area of the the park. Here river is wide and there is much more place to swim. Normally I see them around areas where their houses are built on small islands. There were three swans as I recall.
They are lovely when they swim together. They got used to people so you can take nice photos.
I have to visit again since most probably there are some younglings around this time of year.


Contest organized by @nelinoeva.

Photos and video by @sammy00.


Hello @sammy00
Your photographs of swans are beautiful, these are very striking and beautiful birds

yes, swans are beautiful birds
have a nice day

good morning dear friend @sammy00
What a beautiful river, I really like to see that the water is very clear. The swans look happy to be there.
Beautiful shots. Have a great day

@jlufer tnx for stopping by
river Bosna is clear and beautiful near its spring, a lot of space for the swans as well
enjoy your day

Always nice ro see the swans, they are so grateful.
Thank you very much for your lovely entry.

you are right

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so 100 more

@hivebuzz any tips on how to complete 700 milestone
a little help maybe :)

Here is one more for you 😁

now we are talking :)
tnx for stopping by
enjoy your weekend

Great captures!!! 😀

enjoy your weekend