Hungry sparrow/ The moment of hungry sparrow feeds.

All the birds spend time in a little restless state when hungry. But not just birds, all kinds of animals need food for a certain period of time. And if he cannot take food after this time, then he is seen in a state of hunger. Animals other than humans have to go out in search of food. Speaking of birds, birds are in search of food from dawn to dusk. Because they have to work hard to find food.




You have to look for food in different places. Different types of insects, tree fruits and grains have to be found which are very rare. Food has to be brought from far and wide. Although it is very difficult, you have to constantly struggle for life in search of food. This afternoon I saw a little sparrow in our yard very hungry. My mother was feeding the chickens at noon. Some sparrows also came there to eat. When food is served in a bowl for the chicken, the birds at the top of the bowl are trying to eat.



Every day I see sparrows in our yard. When my mother feeds ducks and chickens, sparrows come to eat, that is, sparrows can be seen in the yard whenever they are hungry. Today when I went to the yard I saw this baby sparrow. I am very fond of the baby sparrow. But there were a lot of ducks and chickens so the baby sparrow could not eat well. I am scared to see ducks and chickens. So I fed the baby in a bowl away from the ducks and chickens.




But she is scared to see me. I tried to satisfy the baby sparrow in this way. Because I love birds so much. I like all kinds of birds very much. So I love to protect and take care of the birds.

I hope you too will love and care for all the birds in the biodiversity. Help animals in distress. Let's take care of all the animals and birds and try to preserve the biodiversity.

Many thanks to all of you for stopping by to visit my blog


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It might still need to be hand fed at this age. Probably grind up the seeds with some water to make a paste then use a dropper to feed it.

Can it fly yet? If not you might want to make a safe place where the baby can hide from predators too. It's good that you are watching over him ♥️