Feathered Friends - Smap Round #70

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

Capturing a bird with an open beak is quite a challenge. I snapped this shot of baby bluejays begging the mother for food while sitting on my birdfeeder post. They are so beautiful and fun to watch.

Bluejay Babies


Thank you @melinda and @nelinoeva for this fun #smap contest. Have a great week everyone!

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


I am always fascinated by the birds how they keep on feeding the chicks when they are big enough to find the food by themselves. Great capture of the blujays.

Thank you @nelinoeva they do seem to feed them for a very long time, don't they?

Yeah, surprisingly long. When I saw three crows and a chunk of food between them, I thought they were going to fight for it. In reallity they were two young birds fed by the third one.

That is good in a way, at least they are watching out for each other. Have a wonderful day.

Just Beautiful @sunscape, what a nice capture of those little ones. Good stuff!

Thank you so much, @farm-mom