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RE: Birds at the ocean!

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

33 degrees there and minus 22 here. The variation is quite large and the scenery is definitely different. There is not much wildlife to see during the day, but by the look of the tracks in the snow, a fox was chasing a rabbit or two through the garden last night :)


Oh man, ideal for night shots, but I am struggling with my low light settings. We have trimmed all of the palm tree branches below the hanging fruit level and when they ripen the giant bats will be back at night.

Maybe you can wait up for that fox, as he is sure to hunt in your area.

Yes, you are right, as it's a wide difference in temperatures and scenery. I saw that Austria is down to -30C and it's amazing how all of you can live in that cold, especially you that comes from Aus. A huge difference and one can only look in wonder at how our bodies can acclimatize.

Night shots are hard, especially trying to catch a fox. I have met her though a couple weeks ago and I now know what a fox says.

Do the bat's leave a mess? Back in Australia they would have particular trees they liked to gather and all the locals knew not to park under them. The tourists did not.

Hahaha, so you took a leaf out of my book and you know what the fox says?

No, we are lucky, as a neighbor across the road has a huge old Cork tree in his garden. So the bats gather there and they fly across to raid the palm tree in the front garden of our house.