Colour of the beautiful nature

in Feathered Friends2 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my article. I love to take photos of nature photographers, and I love it. Here I'll show you one of my favorite pictures and I am sure you like it.

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A couple of weeks ago I take those shorts. It was a very unexpected movement to take those short, on that day from morning to the afternoon I was too busy in my office work after completing all work I need to relax. So I take my Gear and go to the lake near my home. I take some random shorts, suddenly I saw some colorful birds flying over the lake, I have never seen this type of birdes in this lake. Those are looking very nice and beautiful so I take some shorts. It will take a long time those short. I'll share some of those pictures I am sure everyone like this.

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Beautiful!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍

Thank you😍😇