Red Dwarf Star

Good afternoon,

Today I am going to shed light briefly on an red dwarf type star. An red dwarf type star is an m type star which is cooler than the ordinary star and the reason of being cooler than an ordinary star is its mass. It has mass ranging from 0.075 to 0.5 mass of Sun.


Red dwarfs are one of the most common star found in abundance in the universe but being very dim, these cannot be easily seen from the earth with the naked eye and astronomers use telescope to see such type of stars.


The nearest star to the Sun, the Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf. It is the nearest star to the Earth but even than not visible with the naked eye.


According to an estimate, three quarter of the stars in the Milky way galaxy are red dwarfs and there are countless of such stars in the other galaxies as well.

Being the smallest and dimmest, these red dwarfs have an extremely prolonged life spam ranging from trillions to hundreds of trillions of years.

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