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RE: Introducción a Social Games

in Geek Zone24 days ago

We launched the 3d game on Wax first because it was easier to raise the initial funds there for development (easier to setup the NFT collection) but a few months before the 3d game launch we were already using the Hive blockchain for our Discord bot.

Plus I've been on Hive since 2018 😎

 24 days ago (edited) 

At the time you arrive here i enter your discord and try the game for the first time, i bought some things but if i remember right someone on the staff gift me something i cant recall what! But i was tracking this proyect since the arrival! And of course my next amateur video is going to be about this game!

I cant remember if i try the game trough the wax chain, because i was trying some games back in the days! Decent network wax, but hive is so much complete!

Im also a old user here, since steem times, but my wallet doesnt reflect my age =V

Thanks for passing by and your time and assistance in the game, great staff! And a good staff is key to succeed! Fun evening with poker and some flame of my part with all my gaming accidents =P

And of course my next amateur video is going to be about this game!


great staff

Thank you, we're lucky to have them!