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RE: New cell phone and PC [ENG/ESP]

in Geek Zone3 years ago

Congratulations. Glad to know hive played a great part in getting this two gadgets. They are both great ones. More to come as you blog on the hive platform. Enjoy your devices

Felicidades. Me alegra saber que la colmena jugó un papel importante en conseguir estos dos artilugios. Ambos son geniales. Más por venir mientras blogueas en la plataforma de colmena. Disfruta tus dispositivos

 3 years ago  

Hi! Yes, HIVE was certainly very helpful in getting this and a couple of other things, so I wanted to thank HIVE publicly. Here I am very happy with my new devices, I will use them for good.

Thanks for reading and commenting! Best regards!

The device I currently use was also purchased with hive and some tribe tokens. Also love to hear the testimonies of others. I understand exactly how you must feel. My pleasure