I built a macropad!

in Geek Zone2 years ago

Hey everyone! I've been working on building a macropad from an opensource repository you can find here:


Since it was open source and had QMK built out for it, I wanted to port VIA over as I knew I would like to change keybinds, mappings, and macros on the fly whenever I wanted. It took me fucking forever to figure out issues with trying to port VIA over. Turns out, someone already fucking did it and added layers and such.

repository for VIA firmware files can be found here:

I had the PCBs printed at JLCPCB for pretty cheap and really quick turnaround. Wood Recommend. Plus, look at how cool purple PCBs look!


I test fitted my components.

Had a friend 3d print me cases :)

Everything fits! I even added Milmax sockets to the pcb so that I can hotswap switches as I want. Functional switch tester!

All buttoned up and everything works!

Please excuse the keycaps, they're temporaries for now lol. I am planning on probably filling it with some artisans or maybe some blanks. My first layer is mostly media controls, second layer is hotkeys for discord, 3rd and 4th layer to be determined as I find more use cases for this thing.