FamILY means I Love You…

Our family is one of the best gifts life has given us. They remain irreplaceable and so dear to us. The bond that unites us most time remains unexplainable. And that's why we remain a family, one big family!!

There was a post I read some time ago, it detailed that the difference between friends and family is the fact that friENDs end with the word END, and famILY ends with the ILY which means “I Love You”. So it might not look the same but there is some reality to it.

One day your friends might decide that they are not with you anymore, maybe because your class already got lower than theirs, or you are not meant to be among your peers, or you are experiencing a hard time at the moment. They have the right to let you be. And might even forget about your existence. Don't blame them, remember they are just your friends.

This is why you shouldn’t toy with your family. There is no love on earth that you can compare to that of your family. They might not seem to be the best for you. But they always got your back. During thick and thin, during ease and pain, they are always ready to ride alongside the journey with you.

My parents and siblings are my immediate family and I can say I will always cherish them. We are not from a wealthy background. But I realized that the best form of wealth is being united in love.

What could be told of a family where there is excess money and no unity? At the end of it all, the hatred, envy, and disunity, among them, all would stand as a barricade to a happy family. And a family where love, unity, and tolerance reign, then I can say that even if there was no wealth in the family before, they can rise and become the best and wealthiest family together.

I remembered a time when I was so down and broke as a student, that I got sick all because I couldn’t spend it when needed. I was so confused and unsettled. I called on my close friends for help, but everyone had one or two they were also battling with. No one could even assist me at that point.

I was hoping to get anything from anyone at that moment. But all of a sudden I got a credit alert on my phone. Ooh wow! Is this money for real? I checked but the brokenness on me never allowed me to confirm the sender. I got healed so quickly and immediately went to the ball all I had planned in my mind to get.

When I got settled I decided to check who credited me then I saw the memo of the alert “Cheer on bro, I know you need this right now” That was from my brother. I almost burst into tears, how now could he know my condition at that moment and decide to send me some funds?

I asked him if anyone told him about my needs then, and he said something amazing “ He told me, no one told him, but he had the feeling that I was in need” I was so happy and grateful. The little way of help he did for me back then might seem so little, but it remained fresh in my memories and I can't forget it.

In conclusion

Family should always remain family and not be compared with our friends in any way. Friends should have their special place with limits and families should also have theirs without limits.



Posted Using InLeo Alpha