Family business

in Family & Friends28 days ago

The Nigerian, especially the Africans are known for being business oriented. The adage 'business before pleasure applies' Coming down to my tribe, the igbos , we are known for being business minded. Infact, we are workaholics, if not for the provision of nighttime by nature, i wonder if we would have time to rest, yet most people take sleep deprivation drugs to work at night, even though we would never cheat on nature. In some families, Parents work very hard in whatever they do to earn a living and take care of bills and expenses, They do immerse themselves in their business and raise their kids out of it. As the child starts growing, he or she learns the business from the parents through observation. Sometimes, the parents trains the kid by assigning him a part to play in the business while they watch and correct him thereby helping the kid to develop in-depth knowledge about the business and possibly inherit the business.Inheriting business or business idea from parents originates from time immemorial. It has been a mark of some families in my community that they are identified by the business or handiwork they do. For example, when you visit some contacts in a persons device, you will notice that 90% contacts are saved by the work they do. Personally, i have contacts like ADA TOMATO, PAPA OKUKO(poultry farmer) MASTER BAKER, and so on.

As an Igbo, my parents are not left out in raising us in a business. I was born and brought up with family business. During my primary school days(more than 20 years ago) we had a family handicraft. We produce and supply wooden cloth hangers to thrift cloth sellers. My dad would go to ariria international market, buy wood timbers, transport them back home, cut and slice the timbers, and start production.The production process is rigorous and tiring. From Cutting and bending hooks , joining the straight and the curved sliced woods with nails, piercing the center of the curved wood, fixing hooks on pierced curved woods, packaging them and so on.

Those days, we would wake up early hours of the morning, help my parents with the business and then prepare for school, before going to school my parents would assign each of us the part we will work on when we come back from school. While parents and older siblings had to carry the already made ones to the market to supply to the customers (it is quantified in dozens and gross)and buy household necessities and school essentials . When we come back from school, we take our lunch, do our school home works, do few house chores, then retire to our family business . Any body that fails to do his or her assigned part will be disciplined and still do the work no matter what time it is on the clock. The circle continued till I graduated from tertiary institution.When parents train their children in their business, the advantages include:

It encourages hardworking in kids
It discourages lazinessIt promotes family bond
It brings about obedience and discipline
It protects kids from harmful association
It helps to build the power of creativity and thinking ability
Through parents business, kids learn a skill or a trade without special effort. This is mayinleo
All photos are from pixabay.

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