✨A Day Spent With My Mom & Sister!✨

in Family & Friends2 months ago


Hello, hivers! It's your girl Chyxille back again for another blog. I've been feeling so stressed these past few days because of our synchronized learning, and lots of school work to do. I feel like I want to have some time to relax and chill sometime, yeah?

For today's agenda, let me tell you how the day spent with my mom and sister went.

My mom decided that she would like to spend time with me and my sister since it's been a long time since we've bonded together. At that moment, we were so excited and happy because it was once in a blue moon. Like, hello? Who wouldn't want to go outside and chill, yeah?


I took some photos of us while we were on the tricycle. At that time, my sister was in the front seat since she wanted to be alone when commuting. I don't know why she likes to be alone, but it's been her characteristic since day one, lol.

By the way, to tell you guys, we're heading to Bogo for our bonding together. :)

Moments later, after commuting, we arrived at our first stop, the Church of "San Vicente Parish." It's usually the most famous church in the province of Cebu since it's big and usually many devotees come from different places just to visit the church to strengthen their faith in God. We went inside the church to listen to the mass, and after that, we then proceeded to have prayers and wishes. I don't know what to call that in English, but in Bisaya, it's "managkot."



After that, we then walked a little because our next destination was just nearby, and to be able for us to not spend too much money, we decided to have a walk. A little hike won't hurt, right? 😜


We're now at our next destination, "Mang Inasal." They say after a little hike, we need to energize our bodies, right? My mom then ordered our food for lunch since it was already noon and we had to eat. But before our order arrived and was served, I told my sister to take some pictures of my stories.


Here's the shot she took for me.


I also got her a candid shot because she looks pretty here.


A long wait was done, and our food was served. My mother, being a mom, asked the waiter to take some photos for remembrance. We can't deny that mothers are like that, yeah? Do you guys agree with me? Haha, lol.


There you have it, a shot of the three of us.

Afterward, we then proceeded to the mall so we could look for things and enjoy the day. Of course, we bought a lot of things. We treated ourselves because it's once in a lifetime only. The day was so much fun.

Around 6 pm, maybe it's already dark outside of the mall, and we needed to go home because when it's already nighttime, maybe we can't catch the tricycle and we can't go home. So yeah, we went home with joy.

The day spent with them was a beautiful day indeed. Cherishing every moment with them because we don't know what life takes us, and the future is unpredictable, right?




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I didn't know you have a sister @chyxille , but I'm glad you got to spend another time with your family!

What you didn't know? we've been friends for a while now but haha you didn't know I have a sister? that's sad:( ehe thankyou by the way.See you around @tvlipz02

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It's nice to see you spending quality time with your mom. Make her happy all the time. Also show your love and care to your sister. May St. Vincent Ferrer intercede in your prayers. God bless.

God bless you too sir @cup-bearer .It is indeed beautiful when you spent time with you family especially your mother who raised you,gives you everything in the world.I want to make her happy all the time.Thankyou for stopping by!🥰✨

That's what I've missed since my parents got separated. Even if we're grown up, we always want to have our parents by our side. Especially when we are at the lowest point of our lives.

That's so cute. It's nice seeing you spend time with your family @chyxille

Thankyou @phoennix09 appreciated.Thankyou for stopping by,see you around!!🥰✨

You are absolutely correct Ma'am @chyxille
We will cherishing every moment that we have with our parents, siblings, and family members because we don't know what life takes us because the future is unpredictable.

Indeed maam,I hope that we could make more memories with our parents & families until our last breath:)Thankyou for stopping by maam.Have a good night, God bless you!🥰✨

It's seems that you had an amazing day with your mom and sister Cherishing those moments together is truly special.

Indeed it is special because its them,my family.Spending time with them can make our bonds more stronger.Thankyou for stopping by @mxrvieee.Have a good night,God bless you!🥰✨

Such a good time spending with your mother and sister @chyxille God bless you always❤️❤️

Yes it is indeed a good time @hilariodigger just cherishing every moments in life and be happy always.Thankyou for stopping by,Gob bless you too!🥰🌸

its always nice to see people spending time with their family..

Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest. Soaking up precious moments with family, and making more memories together.