" The Power of Silence Is Entwined with Humility "

in Family & Friends10 months ago


I find it hard to begin on my third blog because I don't know what to write or where to begin due to the manifold types of life experiences, in particular life lessons. However, this story keeps taunting me, but I have tried to ignore it for some reason; perhaps I'm afraid of recalling the pain anymore, and I don't want it to take hold of my emotions again. However, I realized that this story might be direly needed for others who, in some way or another, are struggling in this kind of circumstance, and this might become A RAPPORT TO FULLY RECOVER from hurts due to a deceptive tongue or to be REPROVED for a wrongdoing.


I always believe in the passage that says, "THERE'S POWER IN SILENCE. This is a worn-out line, but its meaning has never run out of significance to life here on earth and especially after death. What makes silence have power? Its sound! Precisely, when you are in a deep forest, you can still hear a sound. This sound is deafening. From there, we can claim that even in silence, the sound is heard. This is symbolically true when you keep your humble silence while working toward your goals. Successes will just be revealed in public in a blink, but the process you've gone through has been restricted for a long time.


I have been through a lot of PAIN and hurting moments, so as you are, I know. It has always been my comfort to keep my silence and curb my words. I have always fought my battles through a silent prayer☺️. Whenever someone has a sharp tongue against me or speaks rudely to others, perhaps I won't neither counterattack nor give into it. I can't. The harder it would be for me to get revenge or ride on it. I don't know if it is a weakness or a strength. But here's the bitter part. When I experienced being falsely charged, I got tensed😂 sometime. It seemed like guilty. It added to my injury, actually. I don't know how to explain it in words, but deep inside of me, I understand why.


This is the time where I needed most peace and comfort from God's presence and lean on His promises, since He is a God of Justice and, in due time, He will be my Witness 🙏. I don't tell anyone about it outside my family circle. Freeing myself up through my silent prayer is my way of coping with it. We may differ in handling tongue situations, and I respect your ways for that☺️. This is just my story and my own fashion in dealing with the said conflicts.


Remember, you cannot please everybody. No matter how soft-spoken or kind you are and how impressive your output is, there's always a stab or a shot. But always remember, you always win if you humble yourself before God, because humility knows no defeat☺️.

Life is indeed full of sorrow and suffering. For some, they dive into depression, loss of capacity to think sanely, and, to the extreme, suicide. Nonetheless, by God's grace, these roughs and valleys are agents of becoming a better person and having a stronger personality, if just properly dealt with.


Unfortunately, the SADDEST PART here is when close friends, without even a second thought, subscribe to a false statement and neither have the lead to inquire first about the credibility and reliability of the statement they heard against you, or perhaps have a good sense to discern between impure and undefiled, but instead forgetting the past, that somehow, for once, these close friends had experienced the same betrayal on some people. The aftermath is that they have a stern look at you and become unusually unwarm, and pretensions or alibies are also evident. 😄

I have arranged five sample situations below to follow on and contemplate in a minute. (Names are intently changed, and they are anonymous.)

Situation #1: Eavesdropping


Bella accidentally listened to a conversation between two people, and it was all about her. She was gossiping about a petty thing, but that person didn't know that she was just behind her ☺️. She finally turned her back and saw Bella. But as if nothing happened😄.

• A true friend won't ever badmouth behind your back but fix a problem with you.

Situation #2: Bad Faith (Believing somebody's charge without seeing)


Lanie reported to Cathy that her nephew hit her niece's back during recess. She pointed fingers at her nephew before her presence ☺️ (so unethical). But her nephew kept refuting Lanie's accusation with full humility. With this, Cathy was just keen on observing the scene, until Cathy butted in and asked a reawakening question with a low voice. "Did you see it happen? Lanie's face suddenly turned pale and she became speechless. Later, she asked Cathy to forget about it. And the accusation fell on somebody's kid (the more unethical😂).)

• In this case, to witness is to believe, remains a concrete basis for truth.

Situation #3: A Double-edged Tongue


Two friends, Sheryll and Monica, deliberately accused Elsie of sharing a confidential issue. But the truth was that Sheryll and Monica were the ones who shared the issue, and Elsie never disclosed anything to anyone😊.

• It is more rewarding and a day to celebrate if you have unstrangled yourself with a venomous tongue...and in all thoughts, not quite a loss. What a shout for joy instead! 😂

Situation #4: Paraphraser and Misinterpreter


Paraphrasing in English is part of the subject and is needed for some instruction. However, when it comes to important notes, remarks, and information, paraphrasing is held unlawful since every word we utter has a specific meaning, though synonymous, but again, one synonym word has its own, more fitting meaning than the other. And one synonymous word can or cannot be suitable for one type of statement. Same as misinterpretation. These two were nearly identical at some point. Nevertheless, the latter is quite aggravating. Here's the situation.

Lorna informed Nancy that Rodel would be scheduled for a private conference with the heads of the company and to let him decide whether he would be leaving or remaining at the company despite his misdemeanor.

Surprisingly, Nancy reported to the OIC like this: Sir, Lorna told me that you will fire Roland." The OIC was a bit appalled upon hearing that statement, and this caused Lorna to be called and face an interrogation, but since Lorna was pure in her soul, she simply responded straightly, No, sir, I don't talk to her that way; that was just a misinterpretation." Later, the witness came and defended Lorna boldly, based on the true story. Finally, Nancy, as she herself confessed, had not been able to sleep well that night because her conscience kept haunting her. She was forgiven? Yes in a snap after her apology. Unfortunately, she did it again after several months. Such a disaster! Nonetheless, for Lorna, at this point, she keeps her silence and distance for the sake of peaceful living.

• No more, no less words

Situation #5: Irremediable tongue, unless sweat and blood repentance are resolutely worked out with trembling.


I purposely made a short dialogue on this part because I wanted to emphasize more on the things that happened.

Karen: You get the shoes!
Shane: I didn't! ( standing firm on the truth)
Karen: You stole it...
Shane: I said I didn't. Time will reveal the truth.
( speaking her mind without fear.)
Karen: (speechless)

What's hilarious about this scene is that, when the event took place, Karen was a few barangays away😆😂..
Karen has been famous for being a badmouth ever since, so when it happened, many people knew the truth.
A Karen type of tongue needs an emergent prayer!

7 Means to Shun Off Bitter Tongue


Freeing one's mind from negative emotions, to have peace.

1. Hold your peace.

Being silent helps you process your thoughts in a desirable manner, contemplate the situation more profoundly, and be sensitive about how you are going to respond in every situation. Most people act out things without thinking twice because they're used to being mouthy or gossipy.

2. Avoid gossip


If you are caught in a situation with a gossiping person, find a way to exit at all costs before you can respond to him or her.

3. Don't bridge a message for someone, if it's a private matter.


Let someone address his or her problem or concern straight to the proper person, not you.

4. Keep a small circle of trustworthy people.


Cling to genuine friends.

You can be friends with everyone. Saying hi and hello is enough; giving advice and a warm welcome is admirable. However, when it comes to confidential matters, keep them in a small, trusted circle.

5. Refrain from tongue-arithmetical operations.


Math matters in everyday life, be it in academic, career life, business and other relative matters. But when conversational conflict is to be taken into consideration, it is off the record. It is not what you expect it to be. Subtracting, adding, multiplying, and dividing messages is worse than an actual crime confession. Keep your word to nothing more and nothing less. If you're unsure of the words, it's better to shut your mouth.

6. Remain untouched


The joy and calmness remain in the soul of a pure heart.

If someone has a false charge against you, remain calm, don't defend yourself, let God..in an appointed time☺️, don't retaliate because it might get worse and will mark an unending conflict since that's how they are. Don't pick up the trash. You're not a trash bin. Remember, you are A TREASURE, NOT TRASH.

7. Silent prayer


Just Pray

Find a moment where you and God alone can communicate. Express everything to Him. Be honest with your feelings towards God. He won't ever reject you or charge you falsely. If you fail Him, be sincere and ask for an apology. He is the perfect someone whom you can trust. Fight your battles in the secrecy of your prayer closet, and surely you will triumph.



Gossip can separate friends, cause quarreling, bring trouble, and lead to ungodliness, bitterness, and anger, by which the body is affected in return. A lot of diseases, like heart failure, respiratory problems, cancer, etc., are due to the association of bad emotions.



If Miss Z always meets you with the novelest news about what’s going on in Miss X's life, she’s probably letting X know exactly what’s going on in your life, too. She knows everything, and telling everybody who happens to come across her is really a tragedy. Disloyalty is a proven definition that results in a ripple effect of a lack of respect for friends and their private information. By force of circumstance, the payment is waving, and this is more horrible because twice is the price. So we have to protect our energy from these people. Our energy can become stained because emotional drama is sequential with negativity. Nothing good ever emanates from drama. It always has the upshot of hurting someone’s feelings, a shattered relationship, a shouting match, a silent clash, or worse. This is a waste of time since you become less productive and opportunities slip away.



Well, you and I are imperfect. Human thoughts are flawed and, by definition, subjective. No matter how hard we try to do our best, there are still shortcomings ahead because we are limited at every turn. But in times when our strength is waning due to hurtful moments and failures, just be honest, ACCEPT YOUR MISTAKES, and take some steps to CORRECT THEM and if others have transgressed againt you, be lenient to FORGIVE and let the resentment dwindle away. Thankfully, our failures deliberately serve a great purpose. This may be painful in the beginning, but in the end, you will have the finest lesson in life.


Forgiving one another🥰



Humility has something to do with being QUIET.In this sense, you just tower up a wall against spirit crashers. Humility is not just about achievements unpublished on social media or how you adjust your tone of voice when addressing a problem. Humility runs across and within social, mental, and behavioral aspects. It may sound like losing because your name gets wrecked, but in reality, you gain from it. The more you humble yourself, the more you are exalted. They will see you soaring up high, for the Lord resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Therefore, be confident to keep your silence, for in it, there's POWER beginning to unleash. The power of unrecounted prosperity evokes the sweetest freedom ever encountered; the unthinkable is totally becoming possible and out for delivery— a stunning package of VICTORY!

That would be all for today. See you in my next blog story.😇


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Tnaks so much hivebuzz. God bless

You're welcome @crownrich! Have a nice day 😊👍

Thanks a lot @hivebuzz ..God bless you more abundantly

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😭...touchy and inspiring message @hivebuzz ...
#So Uplifting☺️