Cumpleaños de mi cuñada // My sister-in-law's birthday.

in Family & Friends7 months ago


Hola hola.

Hoy comparto un poco esta pequeña sorpresa y celebración que le quisimos realizar a mi cuñada, la hermana de mi esposo.

Ella es muy cercana, los niños adoran jugar con su tía y ella siempre esta pendiente de nosotros y ayuda bastante a mi suegra.

Y como a mi me gusta mucho regalar y sorprender a mis seres queridos, decidí realizarle algo bonito, sencillo y significativo. Claro esta, con ayuda de mi esposo, suegra e hijos.

Todos estamos en familia para apoyarnos y compartir.

Mi suegra le realizo una torta con la ayuda de mi esposo. También quiso realizar una comida bien sana. Una receta que vio en la televisión.

Unas berenjenas, rellenas con queso, empanizadas y cocidas al horno. La verdad a primera vista llevaba muchas cosas y quisas no quedarían sabrosas (fue mi pensar, mientras se preparaban). Después de cocidas de verdad que sabia muy bien, pero como no soy amante del perejil, le colocaria un poquito menos.

Con respecto a la torta, estaba bueno si a, comí como 3 veces.

La decoración fue casi improvisada. Tenia luna y estrellas, porque a ella unos conocidos le llaman luna, así que decidí que estaria bien. Algunos toque los realizo mi esposo.

En la celebración estuvimos una parte de la familia, mi suegra, mi esposo, los niños, la cumpleañera y su esposo.

Pasamos un rato agradable juntos compartiendo.

Te agradezco por quedarte a ver y leer. Saludos y bendiciones.

Hello hello.

Today I share a little bit of this little surprise and celebration that we wanted to make to my sister in law, my husband's sister.

She is very close, the kids love to play with their aunt and she is always looking out for us and helps my mother-in-law a lot.

And since I like to give gifts and surprise my loved ones, I decided to make her something nice, simple and meaningful. Of course, with the help of my husband, mother-in-law and children.

We are all in family to support each other and share.

My mother-in-law made her a cake with the help of my husband. She also wanted to make a healthy meal. A recipe she saw on TV.

Eggplants, stuffed with cheese, breaded and baked in the oven. The truth at first sight was that it had a lot of things in it and it might not be tasty (that was my thought, while they were being prepared). After they were cooked, they tasted really good, but as I am not a parsley lover, I would add a little less parsley.

Regarding the cake, it was good, I ate it about 3 times.

The decoration was almost improvised. It had moon and stars, because some people I know call her moon, so I decided it would be good. Some of the touches were made by my husband.

In the celebration we were part of the family, my mother-in-law, my husband, the children, the birthday girl and her husband.

We had a nice time together sharing.

Thank you for staying to watch and read. Greetings and blessings.

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