Nostalgic Memories: My Grade 11 Experience

in Family & Friends5 months ago

“Grade levels may be over, but the memories will stay with us forever.” — Anonymous

I cannot help but to feel nostalgia while browsing down onto my gallery, it was a picture of me and my classmates way back Grade 11. I can't stop myself from smiling while staring at it.

Suddenly, I remembered how my younger self was scared about graduating Junior High because that only means, I would finally step into the stairs of being a Senior, for sure the lesson would be much harder and meeting new classmates would be so hard. As I graduated 10th Grade, I know by that time, Senior High would not be easy.

And I was right! Grade 11 was really hard!I became more focused on my academics, because shet! Since I became a Senior, having a failing grade scares me. I know that if ever I get a bad grade, I will miss so many opportunities in college! Especially scholarships.

I experienced crying my heart out because of my grades, even more disappointed because I didn't do well. And I realized by now, it's okay, it's okay to cry and feel disappointments— I mean we can't avoid that. What's more important is that, you should take it as a motivation to strive harder. Good thing, I have many souls who caress my back gently, comforting me with anything they can do.


I thought that meeting new classmates was hard, especially since I'm really a shy person— introverted around some people. But, it's not as hard as I thought! Thanks to my classmates since Grade 10, I don't have much struggles socializing. And, they're not as bad to bond with than I thought.


Until, one day I found myself with different people with different stories to tell. As time goes by, I get to know them more. During free time, will eat lunch together, study together, and I remember how we'd always form a circle and just talk nonstop about random things, their love problems? Of course that's included.

I witnessed many of my classmates, especially @mrpork cried over a break up, they would rant about how painful it was and how it destroyed them. Same with their family situations. I, myself, even shared some of my heartbreaks with only selected peoples, @melcakes is one of them. I didn't cry like them tho’ HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA ( It's not only about some boys, most of them were my painful experiences )


I get to love school more than our home because of them, I would always laugh seeing them doing silly things, like dancing crazy, stressing over academics, and even doing dumb things. For once, they became my therapy.

Without noticing, we became more closer to each other! We already have countless numbers of bondings together, and outings! We would spent our outings on beaches. And swear! It was sooo fun!!

I experienced heartbreaks, disappointments, silent battles, and even academic pressures, and I was more than proud of myself because I've got to get through it all.


I graduated Grade 11, being one of the honor students with an average of 93%. I remembered crying that time because my parents wasn't able to attend the awarding, even relatives. Thankfully, Karen— my friend— together with my former adviser ma'am sol was there for me to put the medal on me. That scenario never left my mind and became a treasure I've always been keeping. When I stepped out of the stage, @melcakes immediately hugs me, reminding me that it was okay. Hays, I'm really so thankful I met them.


I became more open to friendships, too! Those who I didn't expect to befriend with, became my good friends! They helped me throughout my Grade 11 journey, they're the ones who stayed with me during the times when my academic pressure worsened, I experienced crying with them while figuring things out about our projects, activities and exams— afraid we'll get low grades. Even about the ups and downs of life. They tame my waves and dance with my storms.

I realized, my Grade 11 journey has really shaped me into what I am today. Yes, it may be harder than the past grade levels, but I gained so many lessons from it— not just academically.

Seeing those pictures now— brings back so many good memories, amidst the hardships and heartbreaks. It will never fails to put a smile on my face, I'm sure of that. My Grade 11 Batch became my family for once, and I would always treasure the times we'd spent together!

I guess that's all for today, thank you for reaching til the end of my blog! I hope, I, in any chance, made you smilee! Have a good day ahead (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)



Remembering our time at school with friends and classmates is really special, I wish I had some pictures of that time, that way those moments can live forever ❤️

Yesss, truly it iss

ahhh I miss those moments🥹🥹 our chikas early in the morning, our laags and our crying moments I remembered that we even cry together because of our grades hahaha.

We need a reunion!!!

Those days were golden, haayss now we can't enjoy like we used to pag Grade 11, super busy 🥹🥹🥹.

I guess, I'll have to agree with you, we need a reunion!

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