in Family & Friends6 months ago

Hello Hivee!! It's me again @douceink! Are you having a great day today? Well I hope you are. By the way, today's blog, I am gonna talk about my friends! I hope I'll meet you at the epilogue of this blog! Enjoy reading ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ

The first one is Mayomi, the next one is Elaiza, next to her is me, and next to me is Danica.

I was scrolling through my phone's gallery when I stumbled upon a picture, I started smiling and reminisce about the past. It's a group photo— with my best friends! It's been 2 years since we took that photo, we were in 10th Grade that time, we've been friends since Grade 8!

Friendship is one of the root of our happiness, they makes us laugh, comforted and accompanied. Yet, true friends are really rare and I'm more than thankful to have these four precious people with me— they are pure and genuine.


The innocence and the happiness that can be seen in our faces makes me want to see them, I missed them so much!

Our friendship started when we became seatmates on our 8th Grade. Until then, we became inseparable. Our bond was so strong! Amidst the different fights that happened between our friendship, we remained strong. We became each other's support system, comforter, and cheer leader.


Whenever I'm not okay, they are always here to comfort me. Even though they don't know what's the reason behind my chaos ( I'm not used to opening up myself or my problems even with my best friends ) they'll still understand me and will do everything to put the smiles back on my lips.

Or even whenever I'm about to rant something, they'll offer their ears just for me. Believe it or not, even though the words that came out of my mouth is pure nonsense, they'll still listen to me like it was really interesting! And that's what I loved about them, they made me feel heard, understood and validated.


We got each other's backs when life's been tough for each one of us, we once cried together when we got low grades on our subjects, and laughed together after we accepted our grades. That's how we cope everything — by laughing 😂😂

We also dreamed together— our work, our dream house, our dream course— almost everything! And I'm eager to witness them fulfill our dreams.

But, It's just so sad that as we grow older— chasing each other's dream— we slowly departed from each other.

We are currently in our 12th Grade, and only three of us was left. During our 11th Grade, our friendship started to fall down. It was on the second semester when a misunderstanding happened between us and Elaiza and none of us addressed the problem so we ended up ignoring each other— like a stranger. But, as times goes by, I realized that I was wrong for keeping my pride too high so I make the first move to Elaiza and soon enough we became okay.

It's me and Elaiza during our 10th Grade

Unfortunately, our friendship is not the same as before, there are changes that happened and it's actually fine with me as long as we still addressed ourselves as friends. But yes, it's sad to think about it.
Me, Danica and Mayomi 🥰

Mayomi, Danica, and I 🫶🫶🫶

Now, we don't have the chance to see her because she stopped studying due to some private reasons. Yet, I still wish her the best. I'm still silently rooting for her to achieve her dreams.

Our circle of friends is not the same without her, there are void of emptiness and only she can fulfill those voids. My other friends now also found another circle of friends, I am too. But amidst of that, we still make time for our friendship and make sure that our bond is still there.

Pretty us 😍

Among Mayomi and Danica, Danica is the closest to me. We're inseparable and became independent to each other. That's why even tho we do have different friends now, we still come back to each other. I'm her original best friend after all.


I am slowly accepting the fact that some friendship doesn't really last long, but at least I know memories will.

"A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies." — Aristotle


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Disagreement is always there in a friendship but true friends remains and love am support.

Indeed! I really love them and make sure to support them to the fullest!

That's the mathematics of friendship, you are doing right to support them.

It is enough that you were able to find your good friends, those who make happy moments and memories together. This is life and you have to find those who make your moments.👍

Definitely! I am so glad I once have them. We really better to choose the right people.

I understand that a part of you misses your friend's company but accepted that you have found new set of is like need to understand that in the end,you have to learn to be'll discover as you go through life that you drift apart even with those you love for various reasons like work,location,stress and sets of your age,i am not expecting you to fully comprehend what i am talking about. but eventually,you'll realize that you cant always emotionally invest in your friends all the time

I completely understand your words! It is the reality and we really need to accept that. Hehe.

yeah.intellectually accepting it is kinda different from emotionally accepting and processing the whole thing.otherwise you would not have mentioned

Yeah, it's so hard to accept it emotionally. Anyways, I think I'm still not really ready to drift apart with them. But, I think I must prepare especially that college is near huhu

things will be different as you grow older.doors will open.doors will i am gonna tell you this:learn to be self sufficient.learn to be not emotionally invest on any of that

I will always remember that @nurseanne84! Thank you so much ❤️

Absolutely, there is nothing like real friends who we can laugh and spend great time, and of course it’s a need to have those beautiful people close to us for those hard times! Great post! Thanks a lot for sharing!!

Indeed it is! It's the greatest feeling ever!

Anw, thank you so much for reading ☺️