Big Sis is Home! Return from college day ๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ“š

in Family & Friends โ€ข last month


Hello, my dear friends! Welcome to another follow-along blog and today we are setting foot in the city! The city is a 3-5 hour-long drive from the province and today, I will be telling you how my day went as we fetched my sister who just returned from college in Luzon! Enjoy reading :)


My sister has always been a family-oriented type of person. She just got into college a few months ago and left for Luzon a day before my birthday. We all knew it would be a nerve-wracking feeling for her since it would be her first time being far away from her family. We didn't grow to a well-off environment but we have enough to sustain our daily needs. It is a good thing that the rest of our clan is spread across different places in Luzon, just near my sister's university. That way, she wouldn't get easily bored or tired of living inside her dorm and she would be able to visit them anytime.



Storytime aside, we were all excited to see her after a couple of months so we went on a trip at 2 a.m. My sister's flight was around 3 a.m. so we had to be early to get to the airport on time because there might be traffic. The good news was, that there wasn't much traffic since it was still too early in the morning. We arrived by 4:50, just in time for the plane landing. I took a few snaps and I must admit- early morning photos are best to capture. We sang a couple of songs on the radio while my dad continuously drove to the airport. We finally got there and saw my sister with her luggage. My mom and dad helped her put those in the back of the car before going back inside the car and driving back home.


Before we went home, we made a stop by a fast food restaurant and ate breakfast. I ordered a pepper steak with an egg on the side; the perfect meal to start the day. Supposedly, my parents planned for us to go roam around the city but since it was still too early, we just went back home because there weren't any malls open yet.


Overall, I am very happy that my sister is back and that our family is complete. Although we don't have much, all we have is each other and that's enough. It is important to value your loved ones and family while they are still there. I am also aware that my parents aren't getting any younger, and little by little, our house will be quieter. In a few years, I will also be in college and hopefully, I'll be ready to face that. For now, me and my family will spend our days together until school opens once more. I hope that in those days, we will get to bond and do things we usually don't do or have no experience with.

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Being family-oriented is impressive and great since not most can appreciate the family first thing. Also, it's good to know that you have been reunited with your sister. God bless you and your family.

I am happy that your sister is coming home Ma'am @gialleria I hope you will have a great time together

Im so happy for your familyโ˜บ๏ธ

Such a heartwarming story! Family time is truly precious. Enjoy every moment together @gialleria!โ˜บ๏ธ

What a heartwarming post! It's wonderful to hear about your family reunion and the joy it brought to all of you. Your story beautifully captures the essence of family love and togetherness. I'm glad you had a smooth trip and a lovely breakfast to kickstart the day. Enjoy these precious moments with your loved ones!โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’—