Give god your Weakness and he'll give you his Strength

Good day everyone! This is @helianthus-chloe. I am writing this blog today to request prayers for my father's recovery. I hope you're having a great day so far and that you're doing well. Breathing in the morning air, I'm ready to greet the world with a grateful heart today.

at the baywalk chinatown

I have a busy schedule with school and work. My first class is Mathematics in Modern World, where we tackle mathematical statements. Math isn't my favorite subject as I really dislike numbers. It gives me chills whenever I try to solve math problems. However, just like what my instructor said, math is everywhere and it has a Fibonacci ratio.

math class

God adds struggles to our lives to make us stronger than ever. Our next class was Special Education, where we learned American Sign Language. I found it fun and everyone participated. However, after that class, our next instructor texted our mayor to inform us that she would not be able to come to our class because she had an important matter to attend to.

heading home

So after I got the announcement I immediately travelled home to take care of my baby so that yes nanang could take a rest. I take chloe so that I can breastfeeding her to get her to sleep and to clean our home
While my eldest is still at school


our sleeping beauty

After I done all the house chores my partner chat me that we are going to city to buy my uniform so we travelled from naga to cebu city which give me a hard time since we just taking by a motorcycle the sunlight was directed to our skin

on the way to cebu city

So first we stop on cinderella textile to seek the textile same with our uniform while searching for the uniform,

at cinderella textile

we felt hunger so we find first an eatery where we can eat our lunch after we done finish we continue to find the textile for my uniform

they have delicious food they are located along the highway

until I received a phone call from my sister informing me that our father had been admitted to the hospital due to difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, he has a lung failure, and his other lung is not functioning properly. I sat down immediately as I felt like I had lost all my strength. I couldn't help but think about what would happen if my father didn't make it this time. My emotions were all over the place.

at the hospital

I work,while I study just To sustain my biological family's food and medical needs, I need to find a job and an extra job. It's difficult being the breadwinner while studying and taking care of my own family. My husband suggested that I stop helping my family since I already have a family of my own, but as a daughter, I can't bear to see my parents struggling while I'm living a comfortable life.

at nustar

While my husband can sustain my needs and wants and even support my studies, I still worry about my family's needs. They are old enough to take care of their financial needs, but my father's hospitalization is costly. He is currently confined to Corazon Memorial Hospital in Bacolod, and my mother cannot take care of him because he is in the intensive care unit.

medical dextrose

We need to buy all the medical supplies that the doctor prescribed to save my father's life. Sadly, my father is frequently hospitalized. He seems to be admitted to the hospital every month but I know god will Protect my father and he will heal my father .

my father took this photo

My husband and I used to argue a lot because I would often provide for my family's needs, even at the cost of my own rest and peace of mind. It was heartbreaking to hear my mother ask for medicine, bill payments, or even food, knowing that they had nothing to eat. As a daughter, it was painful to hear her voice asking for help.

There was a time when my salary was still far away, and my father needed a nebulizer. I tried to borrow money from someone, but no one helped. However, I didn't know that my sister and father went to my father's auntie's house to seek help. Even though my father couldn't walk straight, they finally reached my grandmother's house. But when they entered, my grandmother humiliated my father and only gave him 50 pesos to pay for the tricycle. When I found out about this, I cried a lot and felt pity for my father.

our home in bacolod

Life can be tough, and if God ever favors me, I would like to help those who come to me. I always choose kindness in every situation.
"In every situation that we face, I believe that God has a purpose for why we are in that situation. Therefore, we should always pray and seek guidance from Him.


This is @helianthus-chloe, See you on my next blog and have a nice day!"



I hope your father recover soon, getting sick is really hard very costly. We really need to do a lot of things just to get by. May God give you more strength to face this all this, fighting! ❤️

Thank you maam ,😔💛

Thank you maam please include my father to your prayers maam 🙏💛✨

I will! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Keep fighting @helianthus-chloe, sometimes life is full of challenges but for sure in the end, theirs light in it. Just keep moving hoping for the fast recovery of your father.

Just have Faith in God te, everything gonna be ok. Stay strong💕

Yes Mary I will surrender it to God I know he will Heal my father

Hoping for the fast recovery of your father. Sending prayers for your father. 🙏

Thank you maam 💛✨

Thank you maam ✨☺️