Nacimiento de mi sobrina Nathalia. / Birth of my niece Nathalia /

in Family & Friends2 months ago

En hora buena la estrella que ha alumbrado.




Feliz dia a todas esas avejitas de @hive, @family and friends, espero que hayan tenido un gran dia, festejando la gran labor que todos desempeñan en trabajar incansablemente los diferentes oficios o profesiones, por el bienestar de su familia y el granito de arena que aportamos para el desarrollo de nuestro pais.

Hoy estoy super feliz, emocionada y contenta por la llegada de mi sobrina Nathalia, una princesa hermosa que en hora buena a llegado para dar alegria y felicidad a sus padres y a toda la familia.

Esta Dicha y Felicidad deseo compartirla con ustedes mis queridos y apreciados amigos, les cuento inicio del dia, desde muy temprano nos fuimos al hospital a su espera de verla llegar a este mundo, ya que su alumbramiento fue por medio de una cesarea programada, en vista que su mamita estaba en la semana correspondiente para ver la princesa nacer, nos dimos citas amigos, abuelos, tios y demas familiares Para ser los primero en ver su carita.

Entre alegria y susto se hicieron largas las horas pero Gracias a Dios que tiene el control de todo, la obstetra, anestesiologo, enfermeras excelentes profesionales hicieron muy bien su labor y todo salio excelente, eso de las once y treita am ya nos habian dado la gran noticia que habia nacido, pesando 2 kilos 700 gramos y midio 47, si que es chiquitica, pero sanita y super suavecita me encanto su ternura, tia enamorada.

Considero que los niños y niñas son joyas muy valiosas creadas por Dios para llenarnos de amor y alegrarnos la vida, aunque son esponjitas y modelos que siguen nuestros pasos por eso debemos conducirnos correctamente porque somos ejemplo a seguir de los mas pequeños.

Sus papitos estaban contentos y emocionados que su alegria la contagiaron a todos los presentes.

Un bebe es una bendicion, un super regalo de Dios para disfrutar de su compañia hasta que crecen y forman su propia familia, es alli donde nos damos cuentas que fueron prestados.

Soy la tia consentidora y enamorada de esta princesita que robo mi corazon.

Feliz noche. Besos y abrazos para todos.
Hasta la proxima.




  • Las imagenes me pertenecen, fueron tomadas de mi teléfono Samsung A21

  • Fueron editadas las fotos en el programa Polish.

  • traductor: Deepl Traslator.


Good luck to the star that has shone.




Happy day to all those little birds of @hive, @family and friends, I hope you have had a great day, celebrating the great work that everyone plays in working tirelessly in different trades or professions, for the welfare of his family and the grain of sand that we contribute to the development of our country.

Today I am very happy, excited and happy for the arrival of my niece Nathalia, a beautiful princess who has arrived to give joy and happiness to her parents and the whole family.

This joy and happiness I want to share with you my dear and appreciated friends, I tell you the beginning of the day, from very early we went to the hospital waiting to see her arrive to this world, since her birth was through a scheduled cesarean section, in view that her mommy was in the corresponding week to see the princess born, we gave appointments friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives to be the first to see her little face.

Between joy and fear the hours were long but thanks to God who has control of everything, the obstetrician, anesthesiologist, nurses excellent professionals did their job very well and everything went excellent, about eleven and thirteen am and had given us the great news that she was born, weighing 2 kilos 700 grams and measured 47, if that is chiquitica, but healthy and super soft I loved her tenderness, aunt in love.

I believe that children are very valuable jewels created by God to fill us with love and to brighten our lives, although they are little sponges and models that follow in our footsteps, that is why we must conduct ourselves correctly because we are an example for the little ones to follow.

Their parents were so happy and excited that their joy was contagious to all present.

A baby is a blessing, a super gift from God to enjoy their company until they grow up and form their own family, that's when we realize that they were borrowed.

I am the pampering aunt in love with this little princess who stole my heart.

Happy night. Hugs and kisses to all.
See you next time.

