in Family & Friends2 months ago


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Every moment in our life should be cherished and appreciated as we don't have the assurance of what we are encountering shortly.

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Just recently, I went out with a friend of mine. We both ate, walked around, and talked to each other. We went to this coffee shop and ordered a drink. Although we only ordered a drink, we took a lot of time chit-chatting about a lot of stuff. It was great because we were able to catch up with the fun things that have happened in our lives.


After we finished our chitchats in the coffee shop, we went ahead and saw a burger shop so we ate there. We continued talking there and the both of us were both so full lol 🥲.


The two of us finished eating so my friend bought me MoguMogu yay!🤩. Although I was already full, I don't know how I still managed to buy a drink lol 😭. But MoguMogu is so good tho hehe.



Following that, we bid our goodbyes to each other and my friend went ahead. I was still sitting outside, waiting for the time to pass by because I had nothing else to do. I was reminiscing all the things we talked about because it was a rare moment that I could go out and have fun with my friends.


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Every day is the start of a new day. This photo serves as a reminder that we should always live our lives to the fullest because if we don't, we might have big regrets in the future. Just like what I did recently, I went out and had fun with the people that I love. You should too! Cherish every bit of the time you have here doing what you love and what you enjoy.



You must have an incredible and memorable time with your friend @mholldy08 , hope all 🤗

Certainly! I really had a wonderful bonding time with my lovely friend ☺️

It is truly important to cherish each moment. Good to know you had fun 🤩

Yes, definitely! Thank you ma'am! 🥰

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Hmm just a friend?wow that new haha did you guys enjoy your day with each other?I Think I know the answer for that🤣. Thankyou for sharing your experience with your "friend" and I hope you will enjoy blogging here on hive!Have a nice day Ahead!🌸✨

Definitely! He's a very close "friend" of mine🤭. Glad you enjoyed reading my blog, hoping for more interactions with you my friend! 😘

That's cool my friend 😂🥰

Agradecer es elemental, sobre todo cuando estamos rodeados de buenas personas. Saludos

Hola! I can't speak Spanish but thank you for reading my blog! I totally agree, once we're surrounded with good people, we are somehow grateful for every moment that we spend with them. 💓

i'm sure you and your FRIEND had a lot of good memories😍

Surely! That was a rare moment for the both of us 😁

I agree with you Ma'am @mholldy08 100%
always live life to the fullest because if we don't, we might have big regrets in the future

A hundred percent, ma'am! I'm glad you enjoyed my blog, see you around ma'am hihi 💕

Wow, that's a nice way to introduce your "friend" keep it up!

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed reading about this "friend" of mine! 🤩

That's true, while we still can, we should cherished every moments together with our loved ones.

I agree with you ma'am!