My Mother Is My Bedrock To Life

in Family & Friendslast month (edited)

Mothers are seen as an Angel to life growth and comfort, because they can risk anything to help and protect their kids. A woman relation to her child and children is based on care and affection.




I so much love my mommy because without her society would have influenced me, she taught me a lot of things I needed to know about life and gave me the support to overcome all challenges alongside with my Dad. Sometimes when I see some of my friends that lost their mom either to divorce or death, I sympathize with them because I know it’s not easy and most of all this people missed the importance of having a mother in our home to show them love and support.

Mothers are know to be the bedrock of the home because the prepare meals and arrange the children while father provide for the Home which means father owns the home. Fathers also makes sure everyone in the home both mom and children are living comfortably and satisfied.




One major characteristic I love about my mother is that she portrayed a character of selflessness while we were growing up. My mom would always make sure all of us have eaten and are comfortable before she satisfy herself. I grew up loving with the thoughts that all women might be the same with this characteristic but later I discovered it is only and only mother to child love and not father to mother love, an unbreakable bond.

My Mother have really taught me a lot about life, she showed me how to survive and be a good person in the community no matter how bad or hard anyone treats you. My Mother is My Gold I can’t imagine losing her to death someday because I won’t be fine for long.

I so much love my mother because because she also loved Al of us equally and showed it to love each other always. Nothing in this world compared a mother’s love like mine, her love is the is like the purest of kind of love alwsay loving and supporting us no matter how far we act bad or act stubborn. I remember when I had a quarrel with my siblings about disrespect and all my mom settled everything equally without any problem between both of us. Sometimes if we haven’t eaten at home, she will sacrifice her own meal and attention to make sure we are satisfied with everything we have. When I was in school also, I mostly have financial problems, my mom will risk her salary to make sure am comfortable and living happy, sometimes I often ask her hope you not doing too much, she will say “you are my kids, if I don’t do this who else wants to do this”. Days after Days all my everyday motivation was to make my mom the happiest woman in the world, nothing compares to her love towards me. There a way she unfolds me and tell me she loves me to make me happy and unthoughtful about the problematic economy.

My Dad and my Siblings are also my most loved in life, I don’t joke with them especially my dad because he has the same characteristic of my mom. My Brothers and My sisters are my life and Families. I live everyday to make them comfortable and happy. We are united for great things with my mothers motivation.

In conclusion , Today being Mothers Day, Celebrate your mom with lots of Gifts, show her you care about her support, through message, gifts or call. Get her some Flowers let her know you appreciate her love and supports to your growth and development, Make her feel needed and important, take her out, and to friends that have lost mom due to circumstances or incidence, sorry about your loss, but you can feel a mothers love also by supporting you friends with their mom, spend times with their mom and you will feel motherly moved once again.

This is My Entry to the #Inleo #Mayinleo Day 12 of the May Inleo Calendar. You can Participate in the Inleo through #leogrowth


Thank You for Reading My Post
Yours sincerely

All Image are owned By Me

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


A nice child you are.

Thank You 🙏 😊

Welcome. 😊