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RE: ✨ Friendships that last through time / Amistades que perduran en el tiempo ✨[ENG|ESP]

in Family & Friends4 months ago

It's true, we can say that we have many friends, even if they are just people we get along with, but a true friend is someone who understands you is sincere and will support you in good and bad times also. You are lucky to have your true friends by your side :)
I have moved country, so I don't see many times the friends from my childhood.


I'm sorry you had to move away from your friends. I hope you get to see them again soon and that bond is not lost despite the distance.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment.
Best regards! 💋

Yes, we meet once a year, so it is also good to catch up on the things ;)