With these days of the Internet, no one sends postcards?


Maybe this title would need a pathetic intro and all those words that should wake up some nostalgic feelings in us. (but it will not come). Trying to remember when was the last time you sent or received a postcard, how the days in the past were better and the drawback of all this stuff that makes our lives easy, like having access to so many applications that with one click you send a message to those you want to congratulate something... Christmas, New Year, birthdays... or just send a hello. But neither is this true, that it is easy, as sometimes we skip doing that too.

Also, there are people you prefer to talk to in person instead of through the screen. So, two days ago I sent a message to a friend of mine with a question to meet and have a cup of coffee or a drink in the evening. She is a violinist with whom we played together in a wellness centre a few years ago. We used to talk while having a break between two playing sessions and somehow became friends. In the end, we could share things we didn't talk about with other people and continued to see each other to have those talks. We could wait for months and then send a message and just take a walk together and discuss the updates in our lives as if it was yesterday that we met for the last time. This last meeting never happened as she informed me that she moved to Asturias a few months ago {sight} so we had to talk now through the phone. Oh, I went off-topic, so back to the postcards and nostalgic feelings.


We were excited when received the postcard that @livinguktaiwan sent us from Taiwan. (photo above).
Mr and Mrs MiPiano found this greeting in the mailbox and they read it together immediately. What a little piece of paper can do, you could think. But it is not just the postcard that brings a smile to our faces. It is the interaction we have with others, which can happen in any form.


The same happy we were when received the postcard from another Hiver, @amico who visited us in Spain already twice. Last year he travelled to Portugal and back to Italy through France and sent us a postcard from there.

Even his dogs signed the little greeting card :D (it is the postcard that appears in the first photo, with the sunset - or is it a sunrise maybe?)


These two received postcards from Hivers made me remember all the other postcards we were receiving the last few years. I had also a lot of letters received before we started to use mobile phones and message services from the same. I didn't bring those letters with me, but it was around the time (or a few years later) when this song was released. I remembered the song this morning, it is indeed like a return to innocence... keeping these postcards sent by friends, or family members (and more of them that are not on the photo). Not because of the piece of colourful paper, but because of what they represent!




I'm so happy you took part in my little post card experiment Mr & Mrs @mipiano, and I really enjoyed connecting with so many people thru the process.

I've forgotten how much I enjoy writing a few words to friends to leave a little mark in their lives. Plus there's the added bonus of observing the postal race between countries 🙂

A postal race between countries 😄 I am actually surprised it arrived this quickly (well, in less than a month). When I send a postcard to my family, it can be the beginning of December, they don't get the Christmas card until late January, or February. So weird. But it's the postal service of their country that makes this delay (I think).

Thank you once again for sending us your words, glad to be part of your little experiment 😊

Laughs postal race🤣😂 the fact that you are actually keeping it in mind os hilarious... Very valid though but hilarious😂💯💯

There's a reason why my nickname is Ms Excel 😉

Thanks for the postcard in my name too... It wasn't my name on it, but OK... 😜

Much !LUV

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Awww... I'm jealous ╯︿╰ Kidding! 😁

In my 26 years of existence, I haven't received any postcard from anyone. Although those places can be searched all over the internet, still there is a giddy feeling when someone thought of you when they got there and shares it with you.

You are so young, maybe as technology took over this "old school" way of sending greetings you missed receiving a postcard. It can be also the thing that I am a bit older haha, so we indeed had just the postal services to send some cards, before the digital form of them appeared :)
Still, I do hope you would receive it at least once a postcard ;)

Nostalgic postcards.....

They will never go out of style nor any other 'communication' will exchange that kind of excitement!

My sister (from Australia) and I had a ritual writing a letters to each other, adding some random drawings in envelope. It lasted for years (we don't know each other btw), and then stopped as we grew up....

I was so proud of myself waiting in a Post line to send it off and wait for the response. 😊

That was a nice ritual, I see. 😇 How great moments we had with these sending & receiving letters, right? And if they included also random drawings, some creativity that is not just a usual postcard for Xmas/Easter/NY thingy, that it is the real thing then.

...and then we became lazy tech humans. 😂

And you keep all of it? just wow.
Can't remember if I've ever received a postcard before but when it comes to love letters, some guys tend to give me some. 😪😅

Yes, I keep them, and I have more of them than I showed. And plus the written letters have a different box where they are stored haha.
Ow, hope those love letters you are getting are nice 😋

Wow, really? How nice @mipiano. I'm sure that the givers of that letters really appreciate how you keep them all. ❤️

I feel guilty here because I prefer sending digital photos to postcards, and talking over the phone than in person 🙈. The thing is, I don't need to mail it, and don't need to travel to certain places to catch up with others.
But this makes sense. The sentimental value is different. It's so good of you that you are keeping them. Others are just even throwing their cards after a while.


What you say also has a lot of benefits, so you are doing well choosing what suits you better. 😉

I do keep them - the received postcards. Maybe it just makes a lot of clutter in my home, but I wouldn't have heart to throw away any of these.

I never received any postcards, so I have none to keep at home hehe. But I like keeping items with sentimental value.

I remember the time of the cards or postcards, it was very nice to receive those details. With this internet era, now they are digital.
But to be able to touch the paper, to have them saved is something else.

What a beautiful post @mipiano , I loved it.❤️

Yes, we used to send and receive more postcards and letters in the past, now it has a digital format. For sure, we keep them and can remember the person who sent them to us.
I also remember my family (grandparents) had a box of old postcards, those were really nice ones! ;)

I have the same memories, my grandparents were Spanish and Italian and at that time postcards were sometimes the only means of communication.

Hugs @mipiano ❤️

Ah, when was the last time I got a postcard and letters? I can't remember exactly but at least I had experience getting one. Nostalgic indeed!

I still send some of them to my parents and other relatives. And I usually keep those postcards I get 😉

oh, you do. Cool! I have stopped, to be honest.I went digital. 😅

I can't remember the last time I received a love letter :( how nostalgic...
Neither that nor a postcard. I hope the one sent to me by Miss Boots from UK, can reach Cuba without mishaps.

My best friend and I used to leave each other messages written on little pieces of paper at the front desk of the scholarship when we were in college. It was so much fun, the weirdest messages, sometimes nonsense, that would help us climb 12 or more floors with joy, because the elevator would break a lot. hahaha You made me remember all that.

Ten un bonito día.

I hope you will receive soon her postcard. It was a few days ago that our one arrived ;)

Hahaha, this is very cool! The memories that you shared with us are so nice, I imagine those little messages gave an additional boost so you could climb those 12 (or more) floors with ease 😃 Saltando casi jejeje
But so bad for the elevator, which used to break a lot of times.

My friend and I were writing in our notebooks and books. Also short nonsense messages but once she wrote me a whole page: a list of food that she was supposed to receive from her mother that day. I guess those were some days when the students didn't have a lot of food. I still have that notebook, it was in the music history subject. 😆

I'm going to ask my mother to bring me my little box of memories when she comes. The one where I keep my papers and even medals from when I was at university and took part in some games...

This post of yours has made a great impression on me. Years go by and we leave behind these things with which we could also sometimes have a silent conversation.

My head is spinning with a lot of ideas, which I would like to develop in my blog, soon.

Nice day to you.

It's interesting how technology has made communication so much easier and faster, yet we still crave the personal touch of something physical like a postcard. There's something special about receiving a handwritten note that can't be replicated in a text message or email. It's great to hear about the friendship you developed with your violinist friend and how even though you can't see each other in person anymore, you still make an effort to stay in touch. This is a reminder that relationships take effort and shouldn't be taken for granted. Sending a postcard or handwritten note may seem like a small gesture, but it can mean so much to the recipient.

I agree with you, a handwritten note indeed can mean a lot for the recipient but I also think for those that send the letter of the greeting. The effort one puts into choosing a postcard, writing it, and going to the post office to send it makes the whole experience nicer. :)

Oh wow that is genuinely amazing.... What a thoughtfull idea...

Oh and I do think that's a sunset.. Well that would be my bet..😂😂

You are the only one who tried to help me with deciding whether is it a sunrise or sunset hahaha. Thank you :))

Yeah, livinguktaiwan had a great idea and seems that the cards are arriving at the destinations. I was happy to receive it a few days ago and let her know about the arrival of the same in no time ;)

Haha well I do love the fact that people are actually still sending them... It seems like something that is dying out🤔😕


Interesting this postcard experiment!Especially because it gives a way to still have something real and tangible in your hands. A message on TG, while more immediate and faster, does not give you the same warmth as a postcard!
@livinguktaiwan, how do you go about learning more about this experiment of yours?

Yes, a real card is in my hand now! And reading the handwritten message was also cool... I noticed that we type all day but when we have to write... oh, sometimes we can't read our own handwriting :D

I'm a photographer, and I often head to a weekend craft fair selling my images.
I sell them on Cutting boards, coasters, puzzles, and as you can see, Note cards. People buy quite a bit each weekend.


That is cool what you do, and I am glad people are buying them. No surprise, I see they are very nice cards. I also see the card that is the same as your profile picture haha :))
Thank you for this photo you shared with us 😇

the Whale on my profile pic, is named Windrose. Humpback Whales, (Megaptera novaeangliae) have a unique pattern on the underside of their tail It's like a Only one patter per whale.
So, marine biologists track the whales, and keep records. Miss Windrose, became a Great-Grandmother last summer. Her grand daughter was seen not far from me, with a baby calf, last year.

I took the pic from my boat, as you can see, the whales congregate near to our shores.

Yes that's is a great feeling when you receive a post card from other places far from you , it's not that same with email or message through messenger, I had a Japanese friend that she all the years used to send a post card from everywhere she travel , and it is so nice feeling , that make you feel important in some way 😊❤️🖋️ it is like you 've received a part of those cities in one letter ✉️

Wow, what you say about that Japanese friend is amazing 😃. I hope that she travelled a lot so you received a lot of postcards :)
We used to send photos instead of postcards, in the envelope to relatives. Now we are getting old hahhaha so ya no da tanta gracia jajaja. Ahora evito las fotos :D


I got this two one from Montreal, Canada and the other from the Tate in London! 😊

So nice 🤓

This is so sweet and nice. I don't know why this sort of things (postcards, letters, etc) have more of a sentimental meaning than a simple text message. It might be outdated and old-fashioned, but maybe is that nostalgia that you mentioned that make us feel more emotional.

It's like receiving something from the past although it is in the very present.

It's nice that you got that lovely gift. Thanks for sharing this

Yes, they have more weight, right? And also the letters we were writing and receiving in the past... there were of different types hahahaha 💌

Wow! You already received yours from livinguktaiwan? I haven't receive mine yet. I am excited about it.

It is not only about the thing but about the thoughts.

Yes, I received it a few days ago 🤩
It probably depends on the postal services of the country. When I send something to my parents, they wait for it more than a month...

I don't know how many years have passed that I didn't receive any mail or postcards. Hopefully the postcard will arrive soon. I am excited about it.

I can't wait for my postcard to get to you as well. If it makes you feel any better, USA, South Africa, and Pakistan hasn't arrived yet either,that will be an interesting postal race 😄

Oh really? So we're many waiting for it. I am more excited about it.

Wow!! I didn't realize you could still even get a post card. :)

Hahaha, the antenna didn't catch that info? 😂

(Btw, so funny song 🎶👍)

hahaha!! Nope has to come straight from the brain :) Thanks :)

Hi @mipiano! How nice your post. You are absolutely right. I miss that time when it was very common to receive postcards.

I still use to send some, to my family, but sometimes it is just too slow in arriving. Once I sent for Christmas, and they got the postcard in February 😂

At least that remains the same, because they used to take a century to arrive.😂

I am definitely a snail mail person. I love sending and receiving postcards and greeting cards in the mail. I have one friend I am pen pals with regularly, and others sporadically. !BEER

Having pen pals? That sounds great!
When I was young I also had some friends that we used to write each other. Nice memories 😉

never thought that i can still find someone who loves receiving and sending postcards! I really do love this kind of thing even though we're in the modern world already.

Seems that we still exist ;))

I feel old like a dinosaur though hahaha (just a joke ;) )

I love anything that I can get a hold of than digital copies. For one, I'm still journaling in a hardbound bullet journal.

But I must say that postcards or snail mail in general might take too long to arrive where I'm at. Postal service is just too slow in this part of the world. 😭

The last time I sent a letter through snail mail was in middle school which was more than a decade ago. I remember waiting for a reply but what I got was my letter. They couldn't find my best friend's address. But we've reconnected in Facebook now.

I can hear you. There are countries that are so slow or almost impossible in this field. The postal service in Spain works relatively well, it is a bit pricy but ok. Though it happened twice that we were supposed to receive a gift box from Germany (that a relative sent us) and it was sent back to them, we didn't receive it. :( So it happens here too.

Dear @mipiano and @ph1102
I am only now reading this post: am I the shame of the HIVE bloGchain? ;-) I'm probably too busy travelling and preparing for the debut of our new business... stay tuned! (The project also involves the HIVE BC)

As for the postcard: I can say with certainty that it is a sunset from Cap Ferrat: you can see by yourself, watching the video below, that sunrises are not so colourful? 😜

A huge hug to the whole family! 🤗

All good, every preparation for a new business takes a lot of time, and this one sounds like an exciting one!! ;)

Hope to see you later in summer, June will be a bit crazy for me hahaha 🎶🎶

Ah, the joy of postcards!

Makes me think of part of my childhood when we were always moving around and traveling, and post cards were the way we always stayed in touch with the family back home. These days, there are many people in the world who have never actually received a post card, in their entire lives.

That's a bit sad, really!

That is indeed sad if someone has never received a postcard, and I see that it happens (from the comments in this post). Mostly younger generations.
I didn't travel a lot in my childhood to send those postcards from different places, but still, we were sending cards for holidays.

I believe that life is a beautiful journey full of all kinds of experiences, and our best postcard represents the legacy we can leave in other people's hearts.

I loved your post.

I can't agree more with you, life is for sure a beautiful journey!

Thank you @diegoguedez for your lovely comment! 😊

I love the way you write. Have a great day. @mipiano


I used to send postcards to my grandmother; I was a child who wrote with colored crayons his "I miss you, Grandma" messages. With so much technology now I do it from my cell phone. Still, your content brings back fond memories. It is very difficult to receive postcards nowadays, at least here in Venezuela.

Very nice those signatures of the puppies on the postcard 😍.

I know those little cute messages that we were writing to our grandparents, and the same used to do my son - when he was small. Well, if it is difficult to send and receive postcards in your country then the cellphones can also do a great job!

Hahaha, the signatures of the dogs 😂 😇

Recuerdo que antes conocía gente por radio aficionado, e intercambiamos postales el cual tengo muchas, ya eso no existe, porque por este medio conoces mucha gente y con tan solo enviar un video ya puedes enseñar algo de tu ciudad, en realidad era muy bonito como antes te alegraba recibir una postal de un amigo.

Sí que era muy bonito, y todavía se puede practicar la costumbre de enviar postales, pero mucho menos, es verdad.

Si, todavía tengo muchas postales guardadas, y cartas, aún existe gente que lo hace. Saludos un abrazo

It is heartwarming to read your post and see that you still value the simple things in life, like receiving postcards from friends and family. Your experience with your violinist friend is a testament to the fact that sometimes a face-to-face conversation is still the best way to connect with people.

In a world where technology has made communication instantaneous, it is easy to forget the charm and thoughtfulness of sending a postcard. But your post serves as a reminder that a small piece of paper can carry so much meaning and joy.

Thank you for sharing your story and reminding us to cherish the interactions we have with others, no matter the form they come in.

Keep on spreading positivity and kindness through your words and actions.

Interaction is something that moves us and gives inspiration and a vibe we all need. It can be achieved in any form, from the most simple to some more transcendental modes. But also, receiving this postcard from LivingUkTaiwan and from other people is a great reminder we should not let some traditions fade away.

I really appreciate your lovely comment, thank you @old-man-chu58 😇

I actually forgot when I received my last postcard, but I do remember the first day actually from my sister, almost assume that my postcard was canceled or there was an error due to a very long delaying. But a few day more they arrived at my house which totally surprised me, feel like it nothing besides the pic and letter, but I don't know I actually want to wait for this situation to happen more and more .

Maybe you can also try to write a postcard and send it to someone. To you your sister, for example. Sometimes we put more effort into writing them than just sending a message through the phone so the one who would receive it can feel that care :)

I haven't gotten any postcard since i was born but i love to drop random notes for my friends, sweet and interesting ones, one that would melt their hearts.

A friend of my sent a picture of one of the notes i left for him and i couldn't help but smile when i saw it.

Well, those notes are also a sweet thing then ;) Postcards are cool, we used to send them more than we do it nowadays, but every interaction and little massage can bring a smile to someone's face 😇


I don't know how long it's been since I've received and sent a postcard.

I remember years ago it was a tradition to send Christmas cards and I think it is a tradition that needs to be recovered.

Thanks for sharing.


We used to send Christmas cards, and also for birthdays, Easter etc. And the regular letters for any occasion hahaha

Maybe try to send one postcard to a family member from a place you visit while travelling, as you do it a lot. It is more interesting than those usual dates.

What a great idea you had



Hey @mipiano, here is a little bit of BEER from @castri-ja for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Got the exact same postcard from Pauline with the night view in Taipei a few years ago and I keep reminding myself that one day I should reach that part of the globe to see the whole beauty with my own eyes too! :D

But yeah, postcards are such a rare thing these days when everyone has unlimited access to the internet, and sending random shots is just a send away!

Even if you can't reach that part of the world, it somehow came to our homes ;) Through that postcard and good wishes :))

Have a nice Easter @gabrielatravels 😇

Yes, indeed! Thank you darling. Have a nice Easter as well! 🤗

Receiving the postcards and going further to keep them safe is a very admirable trait😅. Some people would just toss the postcard to one corner and that's the end of it.

Postcards aren't frequently sent anymore and I can just imagine the joy that's accompanied with receiving one.

I keep them indeed, as they were sent from the people we know. Imagine throwing away the handwriting of your mom. Just impossible! 😉
Yes, it is a joy to receive, but I will tell you something, it is even more joy in writing and sending them 😇

it is even more joy in writing and sending them 😇

I bet it is😃.

Thanks for sharing with us 🤗

Ah that's an awesome thing to do!

Yesterday I actually sent a postcard to a listener that came to the gig in Paris. I did a presale contest, where the winner will get a free Ed Privat T shirt, color and size of their liking. And I added a postcard of the Pyrenees mountains with the t shirt, and a few words to thank them.

Postcards are so cool!

Hm! I would like to have an Ed Privat T-shirt!

Just sayin'


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This is such an interesting content. At late 20s, I was, am and will always be a fan of letters! Like in every occasion with the people closest to my heart, I always find time writing and sending letters to them! (something I can relate to post cards) Old scool but a sincere approach!☺️

Sending post cards will always be special!☺️

 last year  Reveal Comment

👍 That's cool!