Family Day: Celebrating family bonds and spending quality time together!

Hello, family and friends

To begin with, Family Day is a crucial day set aside for the members to come together in unity, love, and peace to celebrate the bonds for the years they have been together. Furthermore, without the father or the figurehead, there would be no room for celebration. You might say, that without the father or the figurehead, there be celebration.

Family day in my perspective usually occurs during the December period, this is the season that family celebration is always pronounced in my place. Some families do set a day and have everyone around to celebrate the unity of the family observed by several activities like picnics, games, and other social activities to put a smile on people's faces.

Family get-togethers may mean a lot depending on the agenda of the family. The peace they have experienced as a family from the onset till now is a thing to be celebrated, especially when there hasn't been a misunderstanding, or fight but joy and life among the family members, it is worth celebrating.

However, it is a good thing to celebrate while everyone is alive, complete, and in good health not until someone is dead that's when they would celebrate life. Having a family is important, without my family I wouldn't be what I am today. And without members of your family, you would be aimless and helpless, unless, God gave you a man that you lean on as your family people.

Last year we spent quality time together as a family. This was what my mum did. She put a call across the members of the family, my uncles, aunties, extended uncles, aunties, and cousins came together to eat, to celebrate as one family. My mum called them and they came out on the fixed day.

Reasons for spending quality time with family

Strengthening family relationships

Strengthening family relationships comes as a result of spending quality time together to communicate about life, business, and school, and to connect and understand each other better than we ever thought. On one of our family days, I was opportune to have a conversation with my cousin who was older than me. Over the years we couldn't sit one-on-one to talk about a particular thing. Then, we were children, and now we have grown. We sat down to talk for a longer time and during our conversation, I got to know her better than I did before. I took time to ask her a lot of questions with wisdom and she responded the way I wanted. Our relationship was strengthened through shared experiences and there was a sense of belonging within the family.

Strong family identity

The moment of joy and the experience shared gave us a strong family identity, providing a foundation of love. When there is love, everyone moves in agreement and happiness. Family love creates ways for members to know where they belong and where they are coming from.

building communication skills

Spending time together as a family encourages effective communication skills and healthy dialogue among family members. Furthermore, the ability to solve problems is simple, and seeking counsel is genuinely accepted.

Developing overall well-being

With my experiences, I have understood that the more family members spend time together the more they tend to be healthier, happier, and more satisfied with their lives and they experience a sense of joy and fulfillment in themselves. When there is good health in the family, everything will fall back into place.

Developing resilience attitude

A resilient attitude leads the way in supporting or providing support for family members during challenging seasons.

Network of love

We all know that family is a network of love. A place where we can lean our heads for help in difficult times. A place where we can feel love by our loved ones.

Overall, Celebrating family bonds and spending quality time together creates a positive impact on our lives as family members.

This is my response to #mayinleo prompts. Today's focus is on Family Day, Modern families

Thank you for reading through my blog.

All images are mine

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


wOw family is everything

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Next week I am going back to my home just to get recharge by seeing my family members. Actually, these days I am emotionally disturbed and drained.. that's why I want to go back for sometime to spend quality time with my family members.

You have made a good decision. Quality time with your family is worth doing. As you are going, extend my greetings to them.🤣

we are bound to get truth and encouragement from family days. They surely want our good. Thank you for sharing

Wonderful family