
Thanks 👍🏾 bro nothing has changed same shit still going on daily thanks for stopping 🤝

The only thing that has changed is our attitudes and our perseverance here on this platform.

Congratulations on staying.

I agree 💯👍🏾 I was going to leave but the bullshit made me stay lol 😂👊🏾

Come hang out with me. LoL no bullshit here. Fertilizer is for plants to grow flowers.

Thanks for the invite but I really don't like using discord 👊🏾

No problem I wish you the best and I hope you have an amazing day.

Thanks again 🤝 and thank you my friend 👊🏾

Hope you have a wonderful day today my friend 🤝

Same back to you and I can't wait for the next coming year to really show us some amazing things on this platform.

Thanks 👍🏾 yes hopefully things get better but it needs to start at the top other wise nothing will really change I love the platform just not the people who are running it

Absolutely that's why we are all starting to take action a bunch of people together can make anything happen.

I hear you bro 👊🏾 people power 🤝

Right on man I hope you blaze some absolute fire today and I can't wait for us to have another phenomenal time.

Bless bro 👊🏾 I got a fresh bit of star dog 🔥🔥🔥I might take a few photos to tomorrow 👊🏾

Splinterlands is the main thing keeping hive alive

I absolutely have to agree as well as quite a few other projects like Hive list.
