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RE: A walk along the canal in east London part 32

in Stars2 years ago

Nice - I love the huge variety of environments, architecture and neighbourhoods in London. I used to cycle along the East London section of Reagents canal a lot but have moved further north now. Now I just have the "New River" which doesn't have a consistent towpath (but still has some nice sections to walk).

Have a great day and thanks for posting!



Thanks so glad you enjoyed the post yes London is very versatile you see many different things some beautiful and a lot not to beautiful

Thanks for the comment I really appreciate it maybe you could take some photos of the new river and some bit's around that area and you could post them in my community called star's it's a community I created for everyone all content is welcome as long as it's original 🤝🏾

Cool I'll give it some though - knowing me it will probably also have to involve music - maybe I can play something portable by the river - thanks for the idea!

Sounds good can't wait to see what you do 🤝🏾

