Let your mode of dressing please God

in HeartChurch4 years ago


[source] (https://pixabay.com/illustrations/call-center-3096574/)

There's madness in the world today, inpartiguler churches and school these days called fashion.

I know that it is church that brings fashion to the world but quest of displaying material possessions at the expense of the spiritual has made many to follow the way of the world in fashion.

Today, you can hardly differentiate a married woman from an unmarried. Apostle Paul says that everything may be lawful but not everything is expedient for a child of God.

The Bible speaks of modesty in whatever we do, especially in the way we dress. In the of Genesis 38, we saw how a widow was mistaken to be a harlot because of her dress.

There are clothes that are for prostitutes who engager in sex trade. They wear these clothes in order to seduce men who are passing by.

Clothes are meant to cover nakedness in the name of fashion, you hear ladies say we dress to kill even in the house of God.

They may not kill the physical body but spiritually, they have killed many souls, by what they wear.

They wife of a man of God was walking down the street with her tight mini skirt moving her steps a young man saw her and said my love how are you doing.

She turned and said to the young man, please i am married, and the young man said there's no evidence of marriage in you, see how you dress.

Maybe you married but want to dress in the way to entire people, remember that people will address you the way you dress.

people are busy joining the physical church without joining the spiritual church of Christ.

Unbelievers are in the church very comfortable because they don't see any reason for them to change.

It is surprising that somebody will go to the market to buy a material that will not be enough to sew her size of cloth just to show off her body parts.

I know that when I was young, women keep their inner wears to the extent that they would not allow people to see them but today they are advertising they inner wears in different colors and different ways.

The Bible says that offenses will come but weo unto him through whom the offenses will come.

Daddy and mummy, what kind of clothes do your children are wearing to church, school, and leisure.

A mother was to sew a skirt for her daughter. The tailor sewed the skirt long but she was ordered the tailor to cut the skirt.

Her reason is that she wants her daughter to be attractive for men. Brothers and sisters what kind of foundation are you laying for your children in the area of fashion.

As parents, you we must give account on how we bring these Children up, whether in the way of God or in the way of the world.

Some women have no dignity any more for their wears showing their belly and public hairs without shame.

Messages in the churches today has become an entertainment where people jump up and down with excitement without any change in character or in life style.

some of you may say that God is interested in your heart but we forgot that everything that is seeing outside is as a result of the decision taken in the heart.

One thing you must know is that the spirit of the last days has engulfed the church and the devil has released his agents to make more disciples for hell thereby reducing the children of God.

Thank u reading my post God bless you all.