God is my rock and my refuge

in HeartChurch4 years ago

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Dear brothers. Best regards.

Taking advantage of this social quarantine, I have dedicated myself to prayer, to reading the word and now to share with you a new message that allows us to maintain trust in God, because what is happening in the world is not easy. . A few minutes ago I heard the alarming number of deaths in Spain and Italy due to the Coronavirus, and all this is worrying.

For this reason, I want to share a word of encouragement, found in the book of Psalms:

1 In you, Jehovah, I have taken refuge; Let me never be ashamed. 2 Help me and deliver me in your justice; Tilt your ear and save me. 3 I know yourself a rock of refuge, to which I continually turn. You have given the order to save me, because you are my rock and my strength. Psalms 71: 1-3 New King James Version (NKJV).

For all the people who may be reading this message, the psalmist clarifies that in the difficult situation in which he found himself, he recognized that God was his refuge. This must be our attitude at this time, we know that this epidemic is deadly, but we must take refuge in God to obtain protection and firmness. In particular, God's people must trust that the Lord is our refuge and the powerful rock of our salvation.

The psalmist says: "Help me and deliver me in your justice." The Lord knows that in the midst of this plague, He is our source of health and will deliver us from the scourge of this disease. It is up to us to trust that the Lord is our help and help in this world tribulation.

Christians should give words of encouragement to those who do not know Christ and who now live in terror of contracting this disease. I invite you, friend and brother in Christ, to help humanity with our prayers so that God may also be a refuge for people who are terrified at this time. What is happening in Spain and Italy is quite horrible. The only one who can help us is God, because He is our rock and strength, as this psalm says in verse 3.

Thanks brothers for reviewing my blog and staying together in prayer for the love of the whole world.