in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

The ecclesiastical book is a book written by salomon a wise king who presents life and death in the form of an algoria intended to show how fleeting life is and why we should remember God while we are young

Many people do not like to read this book because according to them it brings confusion and even brings doubts to the promises that God has destined for man because this is not really a book for the pessimists or melancholic to read, the key of this book is that it was written keeping in mind the things that exist under the sun

Solomon advises to establish relationships with God while we are young before the disappointments and disappointments of life harden our hearts because distrusting God would be the worst thing that could happen to us because everything that God does is perfect.

In this order of ideas, Solomon contemplated the existence that takes place on earth and under the sun, the existence that goes from the cradle to the grave, the existence of human beings who are born, grow, reproduce and die, and this is precisely its value because its reading leaves us with the desire that there is something more leaves our spirit with the aspiration of something higher that must exist somewhere

Ecclesiastes 12 (RVR1960)
12 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the bad days come, and the years come when you say: I am not content with them;
2 before the sun, and the light, and the moon, and the stars darken, and the clouds return after the rain;
3 when the guards of the house will tremble, and the strong men will stoop, and the teeth will cease because they have diminished, and those who look out the windows will darken;
4 and the doors outside will be closed, due to the low noise of the grinding wheel; when it will rise to the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of the song will be lowered;
5 when they also fear what is high, and there will be terrors on the way; and the almond tree will flourish, and the locust will be a burden, and the appetite will be lost; because the man goes to his eternal dwelling, and the lancers will walk around by the streets;
6 before the silver chain breaks, and the gold bowl is broken, and the pitcher is broken by the fountain, and the wheel is broken over the well;
7 and the dust returns to the earth, as it were, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
8 Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher, everything is vanity.


This poetic passage describes the importance of the work of God and Solomon makes an account of old age, after which he summarizes his own words, generally describing the old age of the human being, speaking of the arms that weaken the shoulders and the bending of the shoulders. eyes that darken the teeth that are just dying speak of the vocal cords that lose sound of the ancestral fears that reappear from the hair that turns white like almond blossom from the funeral people who are asking for when is the wake of the spine that is double the brain that breaks and the heart that finally breaks and the dust that returns to dust this is the destiny that awaits us all
The apostle Paul said the following about this:

2 Corinthians 4: 16-18
16 ... before although this our external man is wearing away, the interior nevertheless is renewed day by day.
King James Version

The apostle Paul has already said that this our outer man is wearing away day by day one day the proud building that is today collapses and becomes dust showing that everything is vanity. However, there is hope in Jesus Christ to achieve eternal life after this our body perishes and everything lived is finished.
(Reference: Alberto Mottesi)

