Do not fear

in HeartChurch4 years ago


Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

To have fear is part of our existence and God created us this way not to be weak but use this fear as our strength, when we look at the scripture very well, we will see that God is greater than our fears because it might seems difficult but he will always find a away to let us overcome them.

We all have different fears and major ones are fear of our sick parents, fear of what tomorrow will brings, fear about our health and our finances and so much more but all these fears are normal because God is not disappointed in us and is part of our creations, I don't think we have someone that do not fear one thing or the other at a certain stage.

You must identify your fears and tell God about it, just like the Bible verse implies do not fear because God is you, if we look at the story of Goliath and David who will say that David will defeat Goliath because it seems impossible but what is inside David is bigger than Goliath which is God. Our fears might be big and seems impossible to defeat but must always remember that God is bigger than fears.

Prayer is the key to overcome all fears, when all our fears seems impossible we must always remember this Bible verses that God is with us and he is greater than our fears. When we trust in God and never stop praying to him, he will deliver us from our fears because he will never forsake us.

Thanks for your time.


Our fears are actually our weaknesses. God is the only one who can help us to overcome such fears, so we need to ask for His strength through prayers.