Come To Christ

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Hebrews 4:16; let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.


When God Created Man and the world everything was perfect until humans listened to the devil and brought curses upon themselves. And that was when the beginning of our downfall started. Because of our sins we kept growing apart and further from God, when at first we could talk face to face with our maker, we could not do that anymore, so we prayed through his ordained and his prophets and even with that overtime man kept getting worse and worse, sin filled the world to such an extent that God had to do something lest we perish forever. As his creations he could not watch and let the devil take hold and destroy what he created, especially when we are in his image, so he sent his only begotten son to come and die for us that we may be saved.


Christ came for you and I, he can to abridge the gap between us and the father, and whiles we strive to remain faithful and fervent Christians doing the will of God and abiding by his instructions we may sometimes fall short in one way or the other. As Humans as we are mistakes would come, we may commit some sins that we had not intended not that we are to abuse grace but when these errors happen it does not mean we should run away from God as the first Adam did, rather we should draw nearer to him that he may cleanse us and renew us and our bound with him. It is for this reason why Christ sits at the right hand of the father interceding on our behalf. So beloved, the next time you fall into temptation, the next time you sin, do not run further away from God and let the devil rejoice, rather run back to him for he is merciful and just to forgive if we repent.

Have a Wonderful Time


May the lord help us to be more closer to him and safe us from all temptations in jesus name.shallom.