The Life of a Christian

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Philippians 3:13-14; Brethren, I do no count myself to have apprehended, but one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


It is not always easy a been christian but is the best place to find yourself because once you get your purpose in life and press towards the goal for the prize, the world fades away and the treasures of the heavenly becomes more and more conspicuous. We are able to live according the way the Lord wants us to live and by so doing we get to experience his Blessing in abundance.

However, one important this i want to bring our attention to in today's verse is that we ought to forget about the past as the Paul Apostle said that way we may be able to focus on the future, what i ahead of us, the blessing that is in the Lord and be able to do his will and bidding to uplift ourselves and to bring Glory and Honor to his name.

Pressing for the prize may not be easy, many of the people in the Bible we look up to did not have it on a silver platter, Jesus Christ whom we follow did not have it on a silver platter so do not be discourage during hard time and know that the crown of effort will be given at the end of the battle. Have a wonderful week ahead.
