The Love for the Neighbor

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Romans 12:10; Honor one another above yourselves.


One of the most important rules mentions in the Bible by Christ himself was that we should do unto others as we would have others do unto us and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Why, do you think Christ compared the love we can show our neighbors to that of what we show ourselves? I believe is because is it high improbably that one would love another so much so that it would surpass the love they have for themselves or they would love others to the neglect of themselves. Loving others is one of the best gifts you can give yourself because it teaches you to love yourself even better.

There is more blessing in giving than receiving as it is written in the scriptures, and the more you love others the more you get loved back because loving is a giving and it has the natural tendency of reciprocation. When you love, you bring happiness into the life of others and by so doing into your life, because loving is living, love is one of the most powerful languages on earth because everyone speaks it and it is the easiest language to learn.


Remember that it is for the love of the Lord that you are here today emancipated from the devil and so it is incumbent on you to show same or similar love unto others that they may see the Glory of the Lord in your deeds. Have a wonderful time.


god love supersede every love. Jesus is the only true friend we need.

The love of God is sufficient enough for our survival. Thanks for this @elyon