in HeartChurch3 years ago

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A christian virtue is humility, it depicts the life of Christ. Sometimes, this virtue can be seen has stupidity by the world but it proves maturity on the path of a believer. The opposite trait, which is pride is destructive. Pride alleviates ones abilities beyond what it is and it eventually leads to destruction. Humility is a state of the heart and so is pride. It is very essential that one see others better than himself in all things, that way you can learn and have a teachable spirit. But a proud man thinks he knows it all since he is better than everyone, he is not willing to learn and this leads to his fall.
Christ has set the pace and we need to follow suit. Jesus was humble enough to come to the world and die for our sins, he did not think of his superiority, neither was he trying to rob God of his authority or comparing himself with God. Our consecration gives us an hedge into being like Christ and obedient to his instructions. An humble person is usually of a good heart and his mind is always free to accommodate, ready to share and learn from anyone. Let's keep a humble mind always!