
in HeartChurch5 months ago

Psalms 115:15 Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.


The size and duration of a blessing is directly proportional to the source of it. When blessings come from a man, it will finish without apologize. But when the Almighty God blesses, who can stop it!

Today, the maker of heavens and earth declare us blessed. This is significant because as long as the earth remains, we remain blessed.

His blessings are unlimited and uninterrupted. He commands the resources of the whole world. Thus we are not limited in what we can enjoy.

Go out and come in with this consciousness. The Lord has blessed us and it shall manifest from today.

Let's pray together.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing us. Please let there be a manifestation today, in Jesus name. Amen.


Me uno a esta oración, porque dónde dices que hay más de dos o tres, reunidos en el nombre de Jesús, tu estás en medio es por eso que te pido Señor que te muestres de la manera glorioso y majestuoso, que impactas con milagros creativos su vida y que la bendigas a dónde quiera que vaya, también te pido que protejas su corazón y su mente, y que la guíes en su caminar por la vida así como cual lámpara guiala y protegerla, en el nombre de Jesús