Resting In Christ

in HeartChurch2 years ago

Psalms 3:5 I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.


The knowledge of God's sustaining grace brings supernatural rest.

Despite all the chaos and challenges, we have to remember that God is still in the business of sustaining us.

Don't be overwhelmed by what is happening around you that you forget His presence, love and mercy.

A time comes that we need to retire and rest because we trust God. We should know He cares even if nobody does.

We should be encouraged to go to God even if He seems far, for He's ever with us.

After you have gotten your relationship right with God, you need to rest even in the midst of storms.

There's an assurance of victory in Christ Jesus. Rest from your struggles.

Rest from your anxieties. Be still and know the Almighty God has got you covered. Life is such a fulfilling blessing when we choose to rest in Christ.

Let's pray together.
Abba Father, thank you for your sustaining grace upon us. Please deliver us from worries and anxieties, help us to rest in you, in Jesus name. Amen.