The Only Debt

in HeartChurch28 days ago

Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Loving one another with the love of God is the fulfillment of the Law, for love is the greatest commandment.

Although love is the most talk-about human expression, it is impossible to love when there's hatred, malice and selfishness.

Thus, it is expedient that we discard any of these hindrances to love, in order to be in the love of Christ towards people.

The scripture gives us the freedom to live debt-free in terms of every other thing, except love. We are in debt as long as we live on earth: that debt is to love one another.

Nobody can finish paying this debt as long as he lives. Thus, open your heart to the love of Christ and let it flow to everyone freely.

Let the hatred cease. Let go of the malice. Discard the attitude of selfishness. Let love reign. We owe each other one thing: to love them as we love ourselves.

Let's pray together.
Abba Father, thank you for your love upon us despite our disqualifications. Please help us to love one another, irrespective of how disqualified and undeserving they are, in Jesus name. Amen.