That truth will set you free

in HeartChurch4 years ago

"If you stick to my words, you are truly my student and you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free." (John 8: 31-32)


You feel free You will most likely answer yes to that question. However, free intention is not talking about external slavery, but internal slavery. You may not be behind bars or chained legs, but you are trapped in a negative and unhealthy mindset.

John 8: 31-32 The Word
31 Addressing the Jews who had believed in him, Jesus said:
-If you remain faithful to my message, you will truly be my disciples, 32 you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Here are some feelings that can help us:

  1. Fear Although we must act wisely and with caution in certain situations, those who are full of fear do not believe in God.

  2. Feelings of guilt. Sometimes we fail, we feel guilty.

  3. Jealousy. You cannot be jealous and happy at the same time.

  4. Concern. We will be surprised if we know how much money we spend each year to buy medications that cause anxiety and cannot sleep. Jesus said: "Peace I leave you ... and what I have given is not like what the world has given you.

What is medicine? Remember your personal relationship with God. If we believe in Jesus Christ, all our sins have been forgiven. Our hearts are also inhabited by the Holy Spirit who will allow us in life situations. God has given us his attributes and everything we need to live a holy life (2 Peter 1: 3-4)


Here is the truth we were looking for. This path leads us to know intimately the person of Jesus Christ. And that is the knowledge that allows us access to the Truth, because He is the Truth. Beyond our ways, our gestures, our words, our doctrine.

He is the incarnate Truth! And when our intimacy with Him is real, sincere and profound, it is very difficult for us to fall into hollow ritualisms, complicated philosophies or compelling discourses. It sets in motion the mechanism of the power of the Holy Spirit that will always guide us to all truth.

I want us to understand, at this point, that the search for truth does not obey a mere interest and human curiosity for something that intrigues it. The search for truth proceeds from the deepest recesses of our being, from the place we are, the image and likeness of God, of the spirit.

Searching the truth is the beginning; Finding it is the result. Putting it to work after believing it is the corollary and purpose of God for each life.