Applying these principles will make your prayers effective

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Source: Black forest chapel
Prayer is very important in our daily living. Jesus said that we should pray always, '' ought always to pray, and not to faint"(Luke 18:1). In times of trouble, you should tell God in prayer. Well, it is well known that many don't know how to pray in the right manner. God assured us that he is ready to answer us whenever we pray in Jesus' name. But it is seen that not all prayers are being answered due to lack of adequate knowledge of how to pray. Your prayer would be more effective when you pray in the right way, involving some well understood basic principles will definitely, make your prayer productive.

One of the most important principles to apply when praying is the name of Jesus. Jesus professed to us that whatever we ask in his name, will be offered to us. ".....whatever ye ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you" (John 16:23). The name of Jesus is a powerful weapon every child of God must rely on. Colossian 3:17 says, "...whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...."

Source: The end time News
The second significant principle of prayer is praying with the power of the word of God and with the knowledge of the word of God.
When we ask in line with what the bible approved to be right and as well, putting your faith based on what God's word says, thus we can be sure that the prayer would be answered.
The third element is praying in the power of the Holy Spirit. When some Christians pray, sometimes their prayers will yields nothing because they are canal minded. Make it your priority to always ask by the power of the Holy Spirit. What make your prayer difference is that it is Inspired and energized by the Holy Spirit.
If you explore the book of Acts of the apostles, you wil definitely realize that the apostles employed these there principles of prayer: the name of Jesus, the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. No wonder they had such incredible results, and a wonderful effect with the Gospel.


We must continue our conversation with God through prayer. However, many people follow their own thoughts and desires instead of prayer.

Amen. Some lack the understanding of prayer thus making themselves hypocrites of today.
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