in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)



Can you be accused of lying when you say what God says? Would you actually be lying? If you are lying by saying of yourself or a situation what God says, then God lied or is lying.

Rest assured that God cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). If you say what God says concerning you and God cannot lie, then you are speaking the truth about yourself and the situation. If you don't say what God says, then you are not saying the truth.

If you don't say the truth, honey you are lying and calling it like the devil calls it. Next time someone accuses you of lying when you call things like God calls them (calling things that be not as though they were), tell them that you are only saying it like your Father who cannot lie days it.

Ask them if they would rather have you say it like the devil says it. In other words, ask them if they would rather have you lie about it. Don't ever feel condemned or apologetic for saying the truth. Just say it like God says it.

If you heard God say you are healed (you read it in the bible), then say "I am healed". If you hear God say you are blessed, say "I am blessed".

If you hear God say you are delivered, say "I am delivered". If you hear God say you are rich, then say "I am rich". If anyone contests it, thats' their business because you have spoken the truth and God watches over His word (not the devils word) to perform it.

The devil always wants you to say it against what God says. He always wants to pose the question "hath God really said" or "are you sure God said it" or "are you sure it was God and not you saying".

Don't pay him no mind!

Speak the truth boldly!


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