in HeartChurch4 years ago

Naturally, people complain daily about all the problems we face, but how beautiful it is to be silent about problems and stop complaining and bring them to God praising his glory at all times.


The word of God tells us in the book of facts how two men of God who were unjustly judged caught him but this did not stop them from praising the glory and mercy of God.

Acts 16: 23-25
23 After they had been beaten badly, they threw them into prison, ordering the jailer to keep them safely.
24 Who, having received this command, put them into the inner dungeon, and secured their feet in the stocks.
25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God; and the prisoners heard them.

In these verses we can read how Paul and Silas who have been unjustly judged put him in jail and instead of them worrying or complaining, they surprise many, including the others who were imprisoned with words of praise in their mouths. Paul and Silas then who pray praise the eternal God for his faithfulness and mercy.

The interesting thing is that they are not complaining about the injustice that was done against them nor are they denigrating those who unjustly accused them.

Paul and Silas praised God despite the trial, praise God at all times and you will see the glory of God move in your favor

We are like a light in the midst of darkness and wherever a man or woman of God arrives, they must shine and leave the best testimonies. In addition, men and women redeemed by God do not look at circumstances or adversities to praise him because there is a constant joy in their hearts that allows them to adore and praise God in all circumstances.

Paul and Silas in their hearts experience the peace that passes all understanding, a peace that not everyone can understand but those who have decided to seek it with all their hearts.
Paul and Silas were not discouraged by the circumstances, their hearts were not saddened but were filled with hope because they knew that they were praising the God of heaven.

We must bless the Lord at all times and his praise must always be present in our mouths because when this happens God works wonders in our lives just as he did with Paul and Silas in the middle of jail. God honors those who honor him.