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RE: Reasons why I believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture / Catching up / Snatching away (Part 2)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

I also use the KJV version and I do believe it's the most accurate version. Robert Breaker's teachings taught me more about this (Also a great teacher, don't agree with everything, but I really learn a lot from him especially when it comes to different dispensations in the bible). I do however, use 4-5 bibles at a time. Every study I do is researched for days, sometimes weeks, or months in the case of rapture. I use many resources, including hebrew and greek translations to see what it actually said. I must say, our Bible doesn't differ that much from the originals but some phrases and words, when translated, can easily confuse someone. The Revelation study I'm busy with is mind blowing! I would definitely recommend the "Revelation Studies of Bethel, Roysten" on youtube. This is the best study I have seen so far in my months of researching Tribulation and Revelation. The difference between wrath and tribulation is clearly explained and very eye opening. It's verse by verse, chapter by chapter with incredible evidence and insights like I've never seen it before :)


I think we have one fundamental problem here. And I think we won't able to get any further until we passed this point. Which Bible? I strongly believe that there is only one Bible, all others are counterfeits.
Do you believe that Bible is Word of God? Or is it just a man written book?

I believe the Bible IS the actual words of God and inspired by God, therefore, I believe the Bible is alive. I believe the KJV version is the most correct version. I do use other bibles too, it's important not only to understand that people are deceived, but also why they are deceived. If someone tells me they read this verse and it said this, I need to know which bible it came from and exactly what that version said, otherwise I won't be able to correct them.

I keep running out of RC so if I take long to answer, my apologies :)

"The most correct version", I have a problem with this statement. If it is The Word of God, when it can't be just "almost good". That's what I understood from your statement. God is not powerful enough to write a perfect book? Why are we then worshiping "almost god"?
My position is that Bible is perfect and if we don't understand something in it (which I do a lot of), it's simply means that we are not smart enough. And if someone interprets it wrong, it doesn't mean that Bible is inferior, but it means that we can't understand it. (Or God doesn't want us to see certain things in it at this time).
I appreciate you talking to me, if you can't answer, no worries. We all have busy lives. I have a wife and 3 children, 5, 14, 17, they are driving me nuts most of the time...:)

Oh I completely understand! I have 3 boys, 4, 6, 14. I have a page on FB ~ The unspoken word of God. If you have fb then maybe we could chat there for free. I trust in the Spirit for guidance in everything. Hebrews 10:16 ~ "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;". I believe a lot of truth has been lost in translation. I do a lot of Hebrew studies and it's amazing once you understand what God actually meant and that each Hebrew alphabet letter means something, it's like a complete story in one letter. I believe God gave us His perfect word, yes, but I don't believe in man with a sinful nature to stay true to what God actually wrote :)