Amorphous Nights - lightpainting on Hive

in Lightpainters United4 years ago

Years ago, in the days of film processing, I would get a packet of 36 x 6" x 4" colour prints with a sleeve of negatives. There was always an excitement in getting the prints back to see what you got...or not. Trouble was the lab would place a sticker on some of the prints telling me it was out of focus or some other such bullsh1t! It always offended me that the lab thought they knew best! So nowadays I can pretty much do anything I want and that includes making stuff deliberately out of focus!

This is a post where not everything is in focus and deliberately so. No stickers were allowed....

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Here I've shot a four way camera rotation on a footbridge, then defocussed and shot again four ways, all shot in one exposure: You can just about make out a defocussed figure in between the in focus ones.


Amorphous Nights

This is Padley Gorge in Derbyshire, a favourite haunt and regularly visited with @fadetoblack posing here:


Padley's Grotto

Another shot in Padley Gorge except this time I have panned the camera across approx 45 degrees to the right and rotated the camera 4 ways in focus and four ways out of focus:


It's raining bokeh over Sheffield!

And finally, this is more camera rotation faffery overlooking Sheffield. Shot in one photographic exposure, I exposed in focus, replaced the lens cap then flipped the camera 180 degrees, defocussed at f4 and exposed for the bokeh.


All of the above images were shot in one photographic exposure and are not Photoshop creations.

About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.

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 4 years ago  

That 1st one is a classic mate. Love it. Padley next weekend?

 4 years ago  

Thanks pal and yes please!

 4 years ago  

Fingers crossed the weather sorts itself out :)

Excellent work, yet again matey.

 4 years ago  

Cheers pal, it's all good therapy for this shit year!