Happy New Year to all my fellow Hivians!

in Lightpainters United2 years ago (edited)

I won't deny it's been a shit year for me at work. With COVID doing it's best to mess up economies as well as lives, my employer decided to make two area sales managers redundant. And guess who had to pick up the slack? Me of course!

I found myself with three job titles and three full time jobs to do. I've driven all over the UK like a mad man possessed visiting clients and surveying vehicle workshops all over the place! I can't complain too much though because I scooped up all the sales commission from a larger than usual order book!

I did however manage to make time to go light painting and Hive has been a big part of the process. I've enjoyed writing the blogs, especially this year. I realised my written English has improved too. I started to find it easier to write and had no problem in thinking of what to say, even if it's just drivel about the process of making a lightpainting image.

I go out in the dark to lightpaint mostly without a plan. I like to make it up as I go along. Once I nail a shot, I have found myself driving home thinking about what I'm going to write about the image I created. I've even started to record behind the scenes images to add to the blog.

I gave up Instagram earlier this year because I couldn't see the point of making the Zuckerberg any richer than he already is! Hive has been great for me because I've used it to purchase more lights and camera gear. Next up is a new mirrorless camera to replace the one I use which is getting long in the tooth! I'm nearly there with enough Hive but I just need a little longer to get the camera I want! I like the idea that I've used Hive crypto to fund the hobby (or obsession) without dipping in to my "real" money.

Anyways, that's enough drivel. Here's a compilation image with my favourites from the year.


Happy New Year to all my lightpainting buddies on Hive and those that have supported me in this place: @fadetoblack, @mafufuma, @stepko, @gunnarheilmann, @lichtkunstfoto, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras, @inksurgeon, @neilru75, @lightpainters, @synrg, @dawnoner, @slobberchops, @grindle, @sequentialvibe If I've forgotten to mention you, then shout up!

About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.

Social Media

Follow the Hive Community Lightpainters United to be introduced into the world of light painting.


Happy New Year!

 2 years ago  

What a great set of bangers. I think I'd struggle to make a collage of shots this year. Fingers crossed we'll get out more and that your work life balance finds equilibrium. Happy New Year buddy and take it easy.

 2 years ago  

Cheers pal, I'm looking forward to more lightpainting. I'm addicted to it. From January I'm down to 2 jobs rather than 3 so it may calm down a bit. Happy New Year to you and yours!

Always loving the colours and what you do Chris. Keep ‘em coming. ‘22 is gonna be better for everyone keep the faith alive baby 🌠 Thanks for sharing your techniques and the inspiration as well as lighting that fire under my ass to keep the dream thriving(along with the other bros on Lightpainters United) y’all is the dream team. Be safe and catch you soon on the coolest blockchain known to man 😎

 2 years ago  

Thanks very much @synrg I'm looking forward to getting out and shooting and sharing here. Happy New Year!

What a great group of shots, all jumping out of the screen. It has felt like a slow year but I'm sure you've noticed that under the cover of darkness there is a lot more freedom and space to create. Unfortunately you weren't able to get out when we visited the Peaks at the end of October but another trip or two in 2022 should have a bigger UK meet-up. Keep dazzling bud. 😁 👍

 2 years ago  

Cheers pal, I've been preferring to post here rather than Zuckerbook lately. I'll look forward to meeting up next year and trying out my tilt and pan!

Happy new year, wish you all the best for 2022. Great set of mind-blowing works. Love them 😎

 2 years ago  

Happy New Year man! 👊

 2 years ago  

You too pal, let's hope it's a good one and doesn't end up as shit as the previous two!

 2 years ago  

It's a shitty thang we live but we're alive and standing still!

Happy New Year!

Dear @fastchrisuk,

The current HiveBuzz proposal will expire in a few days.

Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
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Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!