Showing some street workout postures[ESP | ENG]

in SWClast month


Mostrando algunas posturas del street workout
Showing some street workout postures

Retomando la rutina
Getting back into the routine
Saludos amigos de Liketu y de SWC,Vengo a compartir con ustedes algunas de las fotos que me tomé hoy en la plaza alma llanera, es una obra que centra su atención en el apoyo a la recreación y el sano uso del tiempo libre por parte de los niños y adolescentes sanfernandinos.

Es un hermoso lugar con el que puedes compartir de agradables momentos con tu familia.

Me gusta sentarme un rato y luego practicar algunos de mis trucos y recrear un rato con los niños.

Espero que les haya gustado mi contenido, nos vemos en el próximo post 💪.

Greetings friends of Liketu and from SWC, I come to share with you some of the pictures I took today at the alma llanera square, it is a work that focuses its attention on supporting recreation and healthy use of free time by children and adolescents from San Fernando.

It is a beautiful place where you can share pleasant moments with your family.

I like to sit for a while and then practice some of my tricks and recreate a while with the kids.

I hope you liked my content, see you in the next post 💪.

Herramientas de edición y Producción
Editing and Production Tools
Traductor: DeepL
Translator: DeepL
Dispositivos: Poco x3 pro
Devices: Poco x3 pro

swc peque.png

¿Quieres saber más de mí?
Want to know more about me?

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


That's some amazing work and a positive thing for young minds like yours. It's like setting a super strong foundation:)

Yes, you have to have a good mind and body control to be able to do all these stunts. I'm glad to have caught your attention 😁

You have to have good mind and body control to be able to do all these stunts.


Have a great day further:)

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muy buen post broo, es bueno que les muestres lo bonito de nuestros parques y municipios 💪